Payments to Plantify
Appreciate if you could read these comments and reply.
I believed that I had agreed to a sign up for a trail with the ‘Plantify’ app via Apple pay in June this year as I thought that it may be useful in my gardening hobby.
I only used the app on a handful of occasions during the trial period.
After the trial period had ended, I was offered the app for a year but the cost was excessive, so I decided that it was not value for money.
I was offered a number of reduced costs for the use of the app and again I decided that the cost was excessive, so I did not sign up.
I was eventually offered a reduced yearly fee of £19.99 and I decided that this cost was acceptable and signed up for the yearly plan.
I have subsequently discovered that there have been 7 weekly payments taken from my bank account each for £6.99, a total of £48.93 from June until July that as far as I am concerned, I did not agree to and cannot afford.
I would appreciate if you can investigate this with a view to refunding these costs.
Joe McGinley
3 dreadnought Buildings
Main street,
07484 321850