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ScotRail Reviews
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"A low and skuzzy trick indeed.\r\nDelays and cancellations are inevitable - but having a 28-day restriction on claiming compensation for them is a low and skuzzy trick.\r\n\r\nTweedbank - Edinburgh 18:50 on 8 July cancelled at short notice due to \"staff shortage\". Should be 50% refund, according to the website - arrival time 30 mins late.\r\n\r\nHowever, as I was busy and preoccupied with taking care of my father - in and out of hospital for cancer treatment - over the last 4 weeks - I appear to have missed Scotrail's deadline."
Daniel Kirby
"Purchased tickets from Edinburgh to Inverness. The train stopped in Perth where they announced the train was cancelled. Filed a claim (Reference SR\/DR\/20221017\/BDDF) for reimbursement which is not being honored because I can't produce a \"spoiled ticket\". WTF is a spoiled ticket? My receipt combined with the fact that THEY CANCELLED THE TRAIN, should be sufficient. PO'd beyond words. I recommend hitchhiking over this mode of transportation. Buyer Beware!"
Robert McLeod
"Purchased tickets from Edinburgh to Inverness. The train stopped in Perth where they announced the train was cancelled. Filed a claim (Reference SR\/DR\/20221017\/BDDF) for reimbursement which is not being honored because I can't produce a \"spoiled ticket\". WTF is a spoiled ticket? My receipt combined with the fact that THEY CANCELLED THE TRAIN, should be sufficient. PO'd beyond words. I recommend hitchhiking over this mode of transportation. Buyer Beware!"
Robert McLeod
"Purchased tickets from Edinburgh to Inverness. The train stopped in Perth where they announced the train was cancelled. Filed a claim (Reference SR\/DR\/20221017\/BDDF) for reimbursement which is not being honored because I can't produce a \"spoiled ticket\". WTF is a spoiled ticket? My receipt combined with the fact that THEY CANCELLED THE TRAIN, should be sufficient. PO'd beyond words. I recommend hitchhiking over this mode of transportation. Buyer Beware!"
Robert McLeod
"Purchased tickets from Edinburgh to Inverness. The train stopped in Perth where they announced the train was cancelled. Filed a claim (Reference SR\/DR\/20221017\/BDDF) for reimbursement which is not being honored because I can't produce a \"spoiled ticket\". WTF is a spoiled ticket? My receipt combined with the fact that THEY CANCELLED THE TRAIN, should be sufficient. PO'd beyond words. I recommend hitchhiking over this mode of transportation. Buyer Beware!"
Robert McLeod
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