Simucube have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
When the Sport wheelbase arrived back at the Simucube warehouse facility here in the USA, I received an email from Simucube that accurately awarded me a refund of the Sport purchase price.
- Brian Bennett
Awesome build quality at a fair price, and shipping was blistering fast!
- Brad Marshall
Simucube quickly shipped my orders, I made 2, and probably should have combined them into one, but that was my fault. Prices were competitive with distributors, and the quality of the products is outstanding. For the price they should be.
- John Zofko
Simucube products: TOP of TOP
Simucube Web Site: Ok. Really user friendly
GLS Courier: Worse courier ever seen. As always they failed delivery.
- Valerio Tedeschi
I was advised to "refuse" the delivery of the Sport wheelbase, I had to wait around all day (retiree benefit, didn't have to skip work) for the FedEx driver, but did successfully meet him at my door.
- Brian Bennett
Outstanding product, crazy fast delivery 🤩
- Alejandro Gomez Londono
So for my first experience with Simube I had to turn to the after-sales service.
- Anonymous
Super service et super matériel comme d habitude. Au top.
- Anonymous
Excellent service,fantastic.
- Angel Duran