“I may not respond to every blog entry, but that does not mean I don not read each one word for word.
For those of us over 60 (I'm 62) the new magazines for older ladies, like MORE, are targeted for women over 40, but are aimed at woman JUST over 40 and not past about 58.
There are those of us over 60 who are not sitting at home just aging, we are out in the world making a difference.
I think that Hillary Clinton, whether or not you like her politics, who is in her later 60's, is an excellent example of a woman in her 60's who is out and making a difference.”
“I smile when I see I have an email from you! I thoroughly enjoy the articles, videos and uplifting stories. I retired a year ago and instead of downsizing, I built a new four bedroom house close to my sons' families including my three year old granddaughter. Starting anew has been truly awesome! Keep those interesting insights coming our way! Thank you!!!”
“This newsletter and the articles are so helpful in so many respects. It is the only online newsletter I have ever looked forward to getting and most articles draw me in and move me to want to discuss them.
I am so grateful that Ms. Manning has created a niche that not only appeals to people who are not still characterized as spring chickens, but it nourishes, engages, encourages, and in so many ways is free therapy as well as offering a sense of belonging to a community. I absolutely feel blessed to have come across and joined this group!”
“Information is given in an intelligent, interesting form. It it personal and heartfelt. The subjects are dealing with topics that are not generally talked about elsewhere, but are important to me.”
“I enjoy just about everything you have to offer. I look forward to my quiet time to read the articles and watch the videos . They give me inspiration and comfort at the same time. My children and younger friends just don't get it! And my friends my age appreciate the info and bits of wisdom that I pass on from Sixty and Me. Glad I found you!!”
“Some articles are interesting. I would really like to see you accept articles from all of your readers, not just those who have been published or who have a web site. It would be interesting to read how real people handle life, problems , moving to a smaller home , etc.”
“I appreciate sixty & me. It provides a positive support group of strong women who have experienced many different things from career changes and retirement, financial issues, divorce, health, beauty, fashion, .....evolving. I look forward to reading it every day.”
“I love this site and actually love getting their emails(cant say that for most emails)! It's realististic pertinant to todays situations and most of all really applies to 60 year old women and discusses the topics that are relevant to the whole group! Well done" Sixty and Me"!!”
“I always enjoy reading sixty and me when it comes and learn something from every issue. There are so few articles written for women over 60 and they always cover a variety of subjects. Diana”
“I do find them helpful....seems there is a large variety of topics being discussed all the time and there is bound to be something I am interested in or had not given any thought to and realized this is something that is important to me and I am glad I stumbled upon it. It is also giving me a little bit of courage to join in some of the conversations.”
“Yes, I like Sixty & Me very much. It is the only place where articles are geared to my age group that are useful. The discussions give input by peers who have first hand experience, not someone who is fresh out of college who read a research paper. The truth in a group of women that have lived my same years is refreshing.”
“Have only been reading a couple of months.
Find some of the articles interesting but have not accessed any courses yet.
Enjoy the posts, only criticism which is a bit petty, is that the posts include the last posts. Don't seem to get this on other blogs.
“I very much enjoy Sixty & Me. Her articles are informative, interesting and helpful. The video tutorials are also really useful.
She truly gives a very positive outlook for all women to be their best at 60 and beyond!”