“Nothing short of CRIMINAL.
Thomson Holidays, (TUI) Glasgow & Aberdeen Airports, BAA (Heathrow Airport Holdings), Police (Strathclyde, Grampian) Scotland
Prohibited from boarding the plane, May 05 2009, this due to the criminals actions of then
Now Heathrow Airport Holidings, (inclusive of Southampton, Glasgow and Aberdeen and their conspirators, Strathclydes Cuntstabularies P.lebian and /or P.erjuring C.onstasfools.
this because of my t-shirt which stated same adding www.GatewayToHell.net/ whilst simultaneously disseminating www.DLRM & www.NMRM, leaflets to an overwhelming majority of receptive, grateful recipients.
Then arrested outwith their shop Elgin for demonstrating about same, hauled before the Sheriff (of 'Nottingham') at Absurdistan Law Courts. This for having the temerity to demonstrate about as such outwith Aberdeens/Dyce Airport where upon during the recess, I did same outwith the courts of 'justice, prior to being acquitted, by Sheriff TIERNEY, (as reported 04 11 09, in the Express) but as is ever the case for innocents, denied justice as no compensation was forthcoming, for wasted, time, trouble & expense, by both Thomson HELLidays nor The State Police
Lord Justice SEDLEY had earlier said, at the High Court of Appeal, London, 23 07 1999, "Freedom to speak in-offensively was not worth having." As cited in The Times Law Reports, 28 07 1999. But as Judge TAYLOR said, 28 09 1999, at Teesside Crown Court, "People are entitled to express an opinion in this country." This as cited in The Evening Gazette, 28 & 29 09 17.
But all this was lost on the aforementioned halfwits.
"There is no justice in this world, in or out of court." Clarence DARROW attorney at law.
"Some actions can never be hidden by a smokescreen, for they advertise their stupidity & iniquity in (blue) neon light." said, toxicologists, Prof Pietro CROCE, former Vivisector, author of Vivisection or Science: testing drugs & safeguarding health.
"Where the environment is stupid, prejudiced or cruel, it is of merit to be out harmony with it." Bertrand RUSSEL Mathematician, MP & Philosopher.
"Better to be trampled out by the asses hooves than be the thing of which asses minds approve." John MORESFIELD.
Like vivisectors, politicians & The Law, both Procurator Fools & The C.riminals P.ersecution 'S.ervice' they Thomson HELLidays, are getting away with murder.
Is this why Thomson Holidays, re-branded as TUI, BAA as Heathrow Airport Holdings, Strathclyde Police as Police Scotland?
Didn't they know, you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear (and that un-like their arresting officers of the law, State Prosecutors, Glasgow & Aberdeen, Airports Staff, Thomson’s Representatives, and most of their passengers, pigs are highly sensitive & intelligent creatures as are the none human primates, by those at Heathrow Airport Holdings
FOOTNOTE: Whilst I vehemently disapprove of firearms (which I hasten to add, only vermin use) the boy whom should never have been ignominiously ejected from Stanstead Airport which either the monopolies & mergers commission and /or European Union Competition Commissioners made them dispose of as they had initially, Prestwick then, Gatwick, then Edinburgh & finally Stanstead, should never have ejected the 17 year old BOY, for having the youthful stupidity to adorn a t-shirt with a machine gun...like me, for ostensibly not being in the public good. But since ever was anything the state police do in the public good?”
“Gift shop and restaurant prices inflated. Many of the speaker announcements are unintelligible. The two large "Spirit of ..." ferries take up to 30 minutes after docking to disembark cars.”
“Email mail and force to get the training - training for ITIL MALC very boring and no support at all from the team to organise the course a long the way.
They don't care in general about the customer - In my opinion the hard discounter of training in UK”
“Wolverhampton Railway Station Pumpkin Cafe is a disgusting environment. Scratched tables, chipped paint, stains on ceiling, dirty leftovers everywhere, grimy walls. Why does Pumpkin still have this coffee shop franchise? Why do Wolverhampton customers put up with such rubbish surroundings?”