The Hatch Chile Store have a Customer Happiness Grade of B. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their refunds.
Good Green Chili, but at that price for such a small jar. Hatch Green Chili 505 has better jar size.
- Clifford W
I had a successful transaction with this company.shipping was fast. Packing was beyond the normal, Amazon could learn a lot from this company. Customer service was exceptional. They offer shipping insurance on their products for a reasonable price. Their product was satisfactory, I purchased the sun dried red Chile sauce. It's not quite the red Chile sauce I'm us3d to but it was good.
- Cathy M
Great tasting chile which arrived in perfect condition and at a fair price.
- Dan H
good prices and prompt delivery, totaly satisfied
- Martin H
The store is easy to navigate and has a good selection with fast delivery.
- Terri J
Easy ordering and fast delivery!
I explained that I did not want a refund but perhaps some packages of hot chile to mix in to make them the medium heat that I ordered.
- Robert G
I ordered and when I opened the package the ice was gone ! I emailed about it and I was asked if I took a picture. I said no , but I will for next time if that happens ! I asked for a replacement and I have not received a response , I emailed again …. Nothing ! I emailed again and asked for a refund , still no response ! I had my bank get my money back ! Terrible way to treat your customers
- Dale S
Ordered the bacon the first order had a bad odor to it ,the replacement order was delivered and there was no dry ice left and the bacon was not even cool to the touch and had to be thrown out. I requested a refund but have not seen anything yet.
- Gary R
Great service and very tasteful products
- Gerald H
Great products and service
- Ronald W
I just want to say that the issue I had was apparently my fault and I love their products as well as their Customer Service. I’ll be buying lots more from them
- Jim H