“I recently came across your company after lots of googling to find a small Aussie business I would much prefer to give my money too. The jerky I have bought was flavour/texture wise awesome. Personal opinion only but maybe flavour wise could have been a bit more stronger that is all. Please do not take this as a negative review. I have salami on the cards next.”
“I purchased this thinking it’s just beef only to find out it had pork as well, which I don’t eat. I ended up giving it to a friend and I’ve been told it was really good.”
“All the salami I order as well as the crackle are delicious. My only gripe is the size of the bum burner. Are you sure I got a full salami & not a sample? If that little knob is the size then the pricing is absolutely ridiculous. Very tasty however.”
“Product brilliant, express delivery took a week though and missed what the occasion the salami was purchased for
Sorry but never again, I'll go down coles and get the cheap shit”