“Got my teez in the mail this morning,I got the notorious big tee,i got sent the wrong one,i already have that tee u wrongly sent me,and i got the jimi hendrix purple haze tee,what happened 2 the purple,it looks like lilac haze instead,ive been buying teez of powerslave for many years,this is the first hiccup ever,dont ask me 2 send them back,i would be annoyed and i dont have time 2 fix some one elses mistake,keep in mind what u send 2 others,ive already emailed powerslave about this”
“i lov my iron cross, it really pops on my leather vest to all whom admire it, stainned with motorcycle oil, dirt and grease, proudly I wear this maltez cross, next to my 1%er badge. and all may veiw it, demonstrating the fact that motorcyclists, are the good guys, the go to guys, who help all, without discrimniation of race, sex nor creed...Amen.