“So happy with this helmet, fits close to the head and isn't nearly as bulky as the other full face helmets I've tried, light weight and looks great. Fantastic service from urban rider from start to finish. 10/10”
“Now that I'm 50 I don't have to worry about what things look like or what other people will think of my choices. I wish I had known about these Termoscuds years ago,(if they were indeed around) because they are a revaluation, no more getting in and out of water proof trousers, and no more cold legs. My only concern prior to fitting the cover was, would I be able to get my foot down without toppling over, the answer is yes with no problems, if you're considering buying one then go ahead and take the plunge you won't regret it. And on the plus side mpg is up and mph is also up because of the streamlining that it gives you.”
“Great boot - exactly as described. Super fast delivery and even the option to have them delivered to a local shop because we were at work. Great service - thanks Team UR.”
“My wife ordered a jacket, shoulder and elbow armour. There was a long delay with the delivery spoke to Andrew twice on the phone and could not be more apologetic. He offered us discount on the order and when arrived there was a neck warmer as a gift. Could not be more happy with the service. Many thanks”