“Had this helmet a month now and its a great snug fit . My previous helmet was same size an XL but was 1 cm larger so moved about a little this is XL but is 61cm and perfect for me. Excellent quality and the visor give plenty of cover when needed and hides away inside the helmet when not needed so I can ware my sunglasses occasionally. So would recommend this to anyone wanting what I think is a quality item at a reasonable price. P.S Excellent Service from Urban rider and fast Delivery. Would like to say being able to see a photo on your website with someone actually warring the helmet helped me make up my mind and buy this great helmet! So I would suggest you might want to do the same for other makes? Many Thanks. . . Eddie.”
Thank you for taking the time to write such a positive review Eddie. It's a great idea about doing more pictures showing the helmet being worn. Thank you
“Great Jacket! Incredible crazy fast delivery system to the United Sates!!! The jacket is perfect for summer riding, and as you can see it is also a beautiful piece of clothing to have. Took two days to get the jacket from London to Northampton Ma, how they do it??? I don't know but whatever they are doing I'm sure is an incredible job. Thanks for give the chance to US costumer to have access to all this incredible products and thanks guys for the Urban Rider's video reviews, those videos are extreamly helpful for costumers like me buying on-line from a different continent. Great product, great store, great owners. THANKS!!”
“These are the first bike boots I've been able wear all day. Really comfy, look like very normal boots you'd wear with jeans. Very happy, fast delivery, all good”
“This jacket is beautiful and functional; works perfect for spring and summer. Also I want to point it out that the delivery ( shipping etc) system that Urban Rider uses is incredible fast,I live in the United Statese and from the time that I bought it online to the time to get it in front of me took only 48 hours, AMAZING!!. Thanks guys for an incredible service and an incredible product!!”