US Mobile have a Customer Happiness Grade of B-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their returns process and refunds.
Aizaz Khattak Was my customer rep who helped me. He did a great job and resolved my complicated issue. I love Us Mobil! Great price for good service.
- Thea B’ey
The price is also pretty right.
- Alyssa T.
Alishba Arshad was so understanding and so helpful, she helped me just know everything would be ok. The customer service is really good and the price is reasonable also. I refer two my friends to US Mobile.
- Val
I was able to closely monitor the location of my delivery trucks using this tool.
- Dede Ugarte
Their time delivery of every job is accurate and services performed are untraceable to both the mirror or the origin which is what i enjoy about the team , also are their fees reasonable for someone who is set to get a positive result while hiring.
- Ethan V.
Customer service is excellent, the price is just right, and instant delivery to our phones happened immediately.
- BA2
The returns are faster and easier.
- Kstone
With this and my history of problems with them, they refused to refund my plan even though I only had it for 1 week and the hotspot never worked.
- Kyle Hadley
Bait and switch with US Mobile. Tried to charge me double what the their unlimited plan is so I dropped them. When I first started with them they said after 6 months they would refund my money for the unlocking of my phone (didn't happen) so screw US Mobile.
- Bob
I asked whether I could at least get a refund credit for the inconvenience and they told me it was against their policy.
- Anonymous
I’ve been using this service to stay connected with my long-distance partner, and I couldn't be more impressed.
- Bridget Rodon
This service ensures that your actions remain confidential and effective, giving you the clarity you seek without her awareness.
- Bruno Fay
Their exemplary service earned my lasting trust.