Vertex provides direct access to sellers and buyers, thus allowing people interested in crypto exchange to quickly make transactions without any intermediaries. As for paying for your purchase, you need to pay as soon as your trade is agreed with the chosen seller. On the platform, you are interacting with real private sellers or buyers who don’t want to be kept waiting.
I just made several trades on Vertex Market. I’m generally satisfied with the quality of the services provided. However, I'm interested in additional safety measures. I know that P2P platforms are safer than their traditional counterparts but nevertheless, I need peace of mind. How can I protect my crypto wallet on Vertex Market?
There is a third-party insurance called Coincover. It can protect your Vertex wallet in case of theft. Yet, I think that 2factor authentication is good enough. Simply don't store your passwords in the browser and don't open suspicious links. IMHO that's enough.
You can buy and sell cryptos on this platform without verification. However, in this case, your maximum daily turnover is $1,000. Respectively, to remove this restriction, you should verify your account. Extra services such as Coincover Theft Cover requires KYC verification.