“Wall Street English cukup membantu dalam penguasaan bahasa inggris saya. Namun beberapa native speaker sepertinya agak kurang cocok sebagai guru. Seperti kurang motivasi dan lain sebagainya. Sebagai pengajar saya rasa tidak baik untuk menunjukkan kecemasan atau pun kegelisahan kita di depan penerima materi.”
“Great place to learn english and improve confidence.
Very nice center (comfortable, clean, private room), complete facility, and nice staff/mentor/coach/trainer.”
“Wall street makes it easier to learn and practice English in a fun way. It helps people to speak English well and also help in writing and reading with the right grammar and vocabularies.”
“Your offline classes are great, but not for the online ones. I think you should consider limiting each classes so that the effectiveness of the class will increase. The lesser the people, the better quality the class would have. And please be strict to the students who are maybe acting off-limits, since the other students really wanted to study and not just messing up in the class.”
“After this pandemic, this is so hard for me to find encounter schedule. It takes more that 2 weeks after my last enco to join next encounter. When I first Join wallstreet I thought you said that wallstreet will offer encounter every 2 weeks. I think that makes may progress slower and also hamper my progress.”