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"Reach out to MJHFINANCELTD if you are having withdrawal issues, they will help you retrieve your lost funds."
Alma Hugo
"I made an investment decision that I later came to regret. Despite my repeated requests to customer service, I was unable to withdraw my funds. Fortunately, I was able to retr|eve my money with the assistance of SPECTRUM-CREST. If you have also been the victim of a scam, I encourage you to contact them."
Niko Maximus
"Normally I wouldn't comment on things, but I had to take my time on this one! I was defrauded by this firm and lost all of my money! However, I was able to get assistance from AixaLtd. c o m and I'm posting my remark now to aid other people who were duped by this business! AixaLtd. c o m helped me out, get in touch with them, and they'll assist you."
Sheer Gregens
"I invested a large some of money. Everytime when I wanted to make a withdrawal there was always something else. When I complied and wanted to make a withdrawal it was all of a sudden rejected because my score is 98. My score was 100 the entire time until I had to make a withdrawal. I had to deposit another large amount for large account activation. I borrowed more money in order to do that and now I am told because my account score is on 98 I cannot withdraw and I need an additional 2 points which is 100K per point. I need my money to be withdrawn as I need to pay allot of people back that I borrowed money from. I am in over my head with debt and am stressed out with this process. This was and still is a very bad and stressed process. Fortunately, I acted quickly and contacted L I N C O X R E C L A I M, a reputable business that assisted me in finding and recovering every penny that these con artists believed they could keep for themselves."
"They don't even deserve 1 star. I only started small but they kept insisting I invest more First deposit wasAUD$500 24 May 2020. Then AUD$7,360 29 Aug.2020. 22 Sept.2020 I had made a profit of USD$2,099.35 . 17\/3\/21 my balance was USD$11,269.65 Now they do not answer any messages-all their phones are disconnected and no email replies. Last checked this week, I have zero balance.ACCORDING TO MY RECORDS LAST TRADE was 17June 2021"
Albert Fell
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Micky James
Unverified Reviewer
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I often purchase from this seller and the cannabis on this website served its purpose well. I found better quality cannabis and more affordable rates on EdwardMunch.Is platform for my anxiety issues.
Posted 1 year ago
Verified Reviewer
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I think this company has gone 😕 and so has my money.
Posted 2 years ago
B Walker
Verified Reviewer
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I got a call 30 minutes late by Roger, was not really happy about that.
Posted 4 years ago
Amelia Kroger
Verified Reviewer
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I have been with them for about 5 months, i made only a little bit of money, I thought I would make more
Posted 5 years ago
Madeleine Wirth
Verified Reviewer
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ive been working with Nick Augustine for almost 5 months now, my account went up a little but nothing dramatic. its ok but not super impressive.
Posted 5 years ago
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