have a Customer Happiness Grade of B-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their refunds.
Good price and good service.
- Anonymous
Quick delivery sale price, expectations wine will also be good quality.
- Nikki C
Such an easy process, speedy delivery and great wine for a great price
- Tania F
Excellent service. Super quick delivery.
- Anonymous
Fast delivery. Easy
- Louise H
Great prices, wine and service. Fast delivery. Will purchase from again
- Michelle A
I ordered two dozen white wine but only one dozen has been delivered and I am still waiting the second dozen ,six days after the delivery of the first dozen.
If it does not arrive in the next two days I am going to cancel my order and request a refund
I am very disappointed in the service from winesale
- Graham M
Excellent service
- Steve V
Excellent service. Super quick delivery.
- Anonymous
Great prices, wine and service. Fast delivery. Will purchase from again
- Michelle A