Davies Group Ltd Reviews

1.3 Rating 67 Reviews
7 %
of reviewers recommend Davies Group Ltd

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Davies Group Ltd 1 star review on 14th May 2024
Todd Taylor
Davies Group Ltd 1 star review on 14th March 2021
Stephen A Adkins
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Speechless. Avoid at all costs
Helpful Report
Posted 1 day ago
I had a terrible experience with Davies-group (home protect insurance). After my bicycle was stolen, I reported it promptly. Instead of updating me directly, they sent an email asking me to call them, only to inform me that my claim was declined without justification. They didn't request any evidence and were more focused on discouraging my claim by threatening a policy increase. Olivia Burton will intimidate you and prevent you from proceeding with a legitimate claim, as they will not pay out for the claim I believe that's their internal policy as per reviews from customers and previous employees. The claim handler was rude and insisted that my replacement bike must be under £1500 and the price can't be discounted, which is not stated in the policy. Even after I provided proof of forced entry and UK-based replacement bike links within the specified amount, my claim was denied again. They also misrepresented policy terms, unfairly categorizing necessary components as accessories. Their conduct was unprofessional, and they seemed determined to avoid a payout. I do not recommend Home Protect Insurance. Avoid at all costs. In my opinion, you will be better off without insurance as saving the money in premiums will compensate for future losses.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 days ago
Incredibly bad customer service which has made a traumatic experience 100 times worse than it ever should have been. Our current loss adjuster (the fourth who has been dealing with our claim) has not responded to any emails or calls for over four weeks. The fire which destroyed our property occurred over a year ago and we have only received one payment (in Dec. '23) in the 12 months since a household fire left four properties uninhabitable and four families homeless and having to pay exorbitant alternative accommodation costs. Their massive delays, administrative incompetence and lack of humanity is beyond belief. Please do not go anywhere near this company.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
If these people are your adjuster for a loss, hire a lawyer ASAP. They are a horrible company! They will do everything not to pay out and keep all your money for the loss. If they give you grief about payout report them to the insurance department in your state.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
Abysmal company stay well clear of them. I've been paying my home insurance for years. I feel like I've been treated like a criminal. Roof blew off in heavy winds in January 2024 phoned them up and told them what had happened and would like to put a cliam in. Water was coming into my home and damaged all my walls on the backstairs. Was told it would take three weeks to send someone out to even look at it. They told me I couldnt do any repairs on it in the mean time or my claim would be invalid. I explained about the water damage to my house and it was still coming in. Was asked could you not climb up on a ladder and put some tarpaulin on. I said I needed it fixed and would o do patch work to stop the leak. Then I asked for a drone to come round. Then I had to get up on a second floor roof on a ladder remove damaged roofing so I could put patches on to try and stop the leak. Sent pictures and videos of the leak and the roof before I did the temporary patches. Was told the drone came round took pictures and it's a no your not getting anything because the damage was already there. I asked to see the photos they said no. After 6 attempts of asking for them i finally got told ok but didnt them until a few months later. In the mean time I took out a bank loan out and got the roof replaced. Sent the invoice with all the proof. When i got the photos months later. They said it was already likr that before the storm. I told them the roof was not like that before the winds blew it off. Look at my photos and videos i had sent you as your drone took pictures of the roof in the process of me pulling bits up and putting temporary patches on. Was told no really sorry were not giving any money but because its took months to send you what you asked for we have awarded you £250 compensation. I asked has this got anything to do with my claim and was told no its because we took so long. See below As is discussed further in the attached, in recognition of the service you have received we have awarded £250.00 in compensation. Which has been raised and will be provided within the next 10 working days. However, if you remain dissatisfied with our outcome you are now free to escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you wish to do so. Their contact details can be found within the attached letter. Its now been 21 days and still nothing I haven't even got the £250 I said I was dissatisfied. Am sorry to hear you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the claim. The Damage to the roof happened in January its now the 15th of June I was awarded £250 for a full replaced roof and they didn't even give me that. Cowboys they will take your money and run. Any excuse not to pay they will do it. Maybe offer you a few hundred quid to shut you up. But I wouldn't count on getting even that because zI haven't. After review by a manager he has advised that on this occasion the decline on the claim would still stand after reviewing all the information provided. Then got this reply. I can see your claim is with our customer relations team who will review the claim in full and advise further. That's the last I've heard I'm now in the process of taking them to a claims court.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
Rubbish scamming insurance group, under no circumstances accept their repair, they will wrote off your car then claim its a mistake and not remove it and won't pay you either, avoid any sort of offers from this group
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
PLEASE PLEASE DON’T Allow this low life company anywhere near your property. My unfortunate dealings with BVS now part of Davies Group began in 2018 with a subsidence claim. Having to deal with condescending, ignorant surveyors plus from quality building repair companies from pp.0!their so called database “second rate” property repair companies, their supposed top notch Structural Engineer, now no longer with them?? Given numerous unworkable scope of works, further structural damage caused by their second rate builders, now no longer on their database?? Offers of a ridiculous £14000 on a cost now in 2014 of over £100,000 which was only achieved by employing my own Structural Engineers reports, and passing this claim onto the Financial ombudsman in order to achieve the correct results . Please check out their subsidence webs claims, none of these so called documented procedures were carried out during my unfortunate 5 year nightmare with these,” Hope you give in Merchants.” I didn’t. If your insurance company use them PLEASE refuse any dealings with them or BVS Be Very Sorry.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
Absolutely useless. Tried to get my proof of no claims bonus off them and they sent 4 different versions. Ages on the phone to try and get it sorted (3 days). Avoid at all costs
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
Refused to fix bathroom ceiling. Gave excuses why they could not do it. This came after 6 months where they had claimed they could and would do the repairs. Very slow communication. Very poor service. Not smooth or easy. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 weeks ago
Absolutely Everything. They are the worst company most deceitful company I have ever had to deal with. Please please avoid at all costs and if you do have the unfortunate situation of having to deal with them raise complaint with ombudsman straight away as I can guarantee nothing will be dealt with fairly or in a timely manor. I am nearly 4 years in with these bunch of crooks. Brook Gordon is a lying incompetent piece of work too. I would advise you don't even engage with her and go straight to another person in that department. * is * too many for this lot!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Roof blow off in a storm said it would take two weeks to send someone out. If I had repairs done they wouldn't pay out. I requested a drone while we did patch work to stop my house getting water damage. Then I was told I wouldn't get anything because if wear and tare. I asked to see this evidence I was fobbed off for a couple of months. Then eventually I got an email saying it was going to be requested. Got a phone call saying they Ave seen the photos and sending me a letter with the photos I requested. But would like to offer me 250 pounds compensation for lateness. I asked if this would effect my claim and was told no. So now I'm waiting for this letter to see what else it says. Its been a night mare so far cost me lots to replace my roof and had to get a loan to pat for the work.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Davies sent me an assignment which was professionally executed with no complaints... After several months I noticed I had not been paid so inquired kindly only to get the run around. I even spent another hour by request to fill out the new paperwork they required and still, even after being told the check is good to go they never paid. They would not even respond to emails or calls.
Davies Group Ltd 1 star review on 14th May 2024
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
AVOID!!!!! Would give a 0 or less if possible. Was passed on to this company through my insurance (Admiral) took 8 months to resolve our flood in our kitchen, which was unusable! ZERO contact from Davies/BVS. They shouldn’t be allowed near any properties. All staff need retraining in every area, absolute waste of time and all that was brought from this experience was stress, they couldn’t even complete our claim or problem so it was passed back to our insurers, but if you are given this company through an insurer request for a new contractor immediately!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Hi : you don't need any policy . better to borrow money and renovate yourself . After reporting the damage they appear . When you need help they write that they have a time of 5 days to respond by e-mail . Then a horrible man shows up : Darren Robb, Dip Cii claims, BDMA Insurance Technician Senior Loss Adjuster Davies Group Limited PO Box 3097, Stoke On Trent, ST4 9FZ M - 07585 302450 T - 0344 856 2313 and : - arrives outside your house in a white BMW you can't afford. He doesn't carry an ID . There is no protocol . He takes notes in his hand on paper . He takes pictures with his cell phone. He walks around the house in all the rooms . He smiles falsely . He doesn't even believe what he sees. He asks if the same thing happened at his neighbors. And that's it . When you point out to him that this is rather not how the assessment is, he passes your case to Fraud and you are suspected . I have not seen a bigger fraud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idiot ??
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I've been trying to get a check from them for 6 months they say they keep sending it but never shows up. They are just lying another example of a horrible company
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I don't really believe they are legal. Don't use any insurance that uses them. It means that the insurance has no value for their customers...
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
These guys are crooks written my car off without my knowledge or compensating me, never accept offer to look after your car from these crooks, I've lost 28k of the value of my vehicle because of these incompetent good for nothing insurers , and now they d9nt answer my messages although they told me it's a mistake but have not done anything STAY AWAY FROM THESE GUYS ONLY ACCEPT YOUT INSURER OR A 3RD PARTY CLAIM COMPANY T9 DEAL WITH THE CLAIM
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
AVOID ANY INSURANCE POLICY THAT USES THIS CLAIMS HANDLER! Appalling company, same experiences as other reviewers. 5 months still waiting on a claim, no resolution yet. Online claim submission tool is junk, totally useless for submitting any level of detail, which means you have to follow up with several emails with documents attached, which then get 'lost'. Endless promises of call-backs and email replies, often waiting weeks, claims seem to be constantly passed between different agents who never read any notes or detail on the claim. Result is you go around in circles being asked the same questions, providing the same information, over and over again and never get a resolution. If your insurer uses this claim handler, save yourself a world of pain and go elsewhere.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Just awful. You are shuttled endlessly between a dozen assessors, contractors, approvers etc as they do nothing themselves and insist on repeatedly re-approving every steps, with weeks of delays at every turn. They never EVER communicate, even when they need details from you, so you have to phone them weekly just to make sure they are doing something. I get the strong impression they deliberately wait until chased to make any progress at any point. Lots of stupid delays, such as claiming not to have bank details even when replying to an email in which you sent them your bank details. At one point it looked like they were actually appointing a contractor to do something after months of repeated assessments, only to be told the contractor had decided not to do it and therefore they would have to start the entire process from scratch and would not start for many more months
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Incompetent and useless company. Two years of dealing with our subsidence case where we received bunch of falsified reports and unrealistic statements. Nothing has been done, nothing corrected, no assessment made. All decision made based on one image taken over two years ago. Very corrupted and unreliable organisation
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Davies Group Ltd is rated 1.3 based on 67 reviews