“It is worthy of the world to hear this testimony. I'm here to spread the word about ADMK LTD wonderful deeds I lost USD 232,000.00 in a binary investment trading scam and didn't realize it until a few weeks later. The site and services I utilized appeared authentic, and everything appeared legitimate until I emailed them to request a withdrawal of my weekly gains and they did not reply. I looked online for a specialized expert to help me get my money back. After reading countless testimonials about ADMK LTD has assisted numerous con victims in getting their money back from fraudulent investment firms, I decided to give the expert a trial. I contacted admk ltd recovery and submitted my case to the expert. He assured me that all my lost money would be retrieved and returned to my wallet address. Admk ltd worked on my case, and to my amazement, my lost funds were returned to my wallet within 72 hours. Contact admk ltd right away to have your lost money returned to you”
“At this moment I can't stop thanking the TheresachinRecovery team cause they helped me recover my money when i thought it was all gone. It all happened based on a review I viewed on how they helped a certain lady recover all her stolen invested capital of 354,000$ which makes me automatically follow up with them and now I am so happy to share their good work to whoever needs it. you can reach them through Email: t h e r e s a c h i n 1 2 1 2 (at) g m a i l . c o m Call/WhatsApp + 1 2 3 4 3 0 0 1 5 4 4 for their willingness to help recover my funds despite my case falling short of their basic standard requirement. I now feel reassured that these scammers will begin to hear a hissing sound turning louder everyday; thanks to the TheresachinRecovery”
“When I attempted to make my first withdrawal after more than two months of investing, I was astonished to discover that my account, which held more than $286,120, was locked. My pleas have been ignored by the poor customer service. Friends heard about my predicament and suggested aixaLtd. c o m. I was able to successfully recover my stolen money from Kimonsage with aixaLtd. c o m help after following all the instructions provided by aixaLtd. c o m.”
“While it seems sense to voice your concerns here, doing so might not result in a settlement for the harm these con artists have caused. Until I take legal action, as I have done, they will keep lying. Since M A D A C O V I .C O M was able to get my money back in five days, I thought they were a great resource. You should get in touch with them for assistance if you have documentation of your transactions.”
“Je pensais qu'il ne restait plus d'espoir après avoir été dupé par cette entreprise appelée Kimonsage. J'ai écrit mes derniers avis ici de façon anonyme en raison d'énormes montants qui étaient hors de mon compte d'entreprise à cet escroc appeler Kimonsage. Mais, après avoir pris contact avec AixaLtd. COM, ils sont rapidement allés travailler pour mon aide et m'ont rapidement aidé à récupérer mon argent et mes bénéfices dans quelques jours. AixaLtd .com avait de très bons hackers et outils, des services de soutien à la clientèle compétents (Andy) qui étaient toujours heureux de répondre à mes questions”
“I saw an interview over the much hype Tesla Financial program and invested the initial minimum of USD 240000, after then i started getting an incessant barrage of phone calls from this broker who tried to pressure me to increase my investment to the next
and after so as to double my returns. I finally ended investing a total of USD 540000 before i tuned him off completely. When I demanded to withdraw my investment after 2months, he stopped taking my calls nor responding to my mails. I tried all means of communication and seeking help to retrieve my funds but i was unsuccessful. I am profoundly grateful to the entire company of the TheresachinRecovery and if you got same issues you can reach them through Email: t h e r e s a c h i n 1 2 1 2 (at) g m a i l . c o m
Call/WhatsApp + 1 2 3 4 3 0 0 1 5 4 4 for their willingness to help recover my funds despite my case falling short of their basic standard requirement. I now feel re-assured that these scammers will begin to hear a hissing sound turning louder everyday; thanks to the TheresachinRecovery”
“Je suis conscient que les investissements et les escroqueries sur Internet ont pu mal tourner ces derniers mois. J'étais exactement dans le même bateau lorsque j'ai investi dans une imitation de KIMONSAGE et j'ai presque perdu 538 000 €, mais avec l'intervention d'AixaLtd. c o m, j'ai pu récupérer mon argent auprès de ces escrocs appelés sociétés de négoce Kimonsage. AixaLtd. c o m m'a aidé à récupérer mon argent volé. Bien qu'ils m'aient été recommandés par un collègue en qui j'ai une grande confiance, au début je ne leur faisais pas confiance jusqu'à ce que je leur fasse un essai. En quelques jours, j'ai pu recevoir mon argent. J'apprécie beaucoup la société AixaLtd. c o m.”
“Despite fulfilling all required tax duties , my withdrawal request continues to be refused, indicating fraudulent behavior because they always asking for more money on every withdrawal request. I have come to the realization that I have been scammed by Kimonsage. Thankfully, I sought assistance from AixaLtd . c o m teams that helped me and resolved the situation promptly for me. I got back my investment and profit back from this scammers called KIMONSAGE After i hired AixaLTD. COM few days ago. I am so happy now”
“Comme beaucoup d'autres, j'ai été attiré par la perspective de faire fructifier mes économies et de garantir un avenir financier.
Après avoir effectué mon dépôt initial, les choses semblaient bien se passer. Mon solde de compte augmentait, et la plateforme de trading KIMONSAGE affichait des bénéfices constants. Encouragé par ces premiers gains et rassuré par mon gestionnaire de compte, j'ai décidé d'investir davantage, finissant par mettre un total de 165 000 €. Plus j'investissais, plus j'étais convaincu que KIMONSAGE était la vraie affaire.
Cependant, ma confiance a commencé à s'effriter lorsque j'ai essayé de retirer une partie de mes bénéfices. Soudain, le processus est devenu compliqué. On m'a dit que mon compte avait certaines restrictions, et pour les lever, je devais payer des frais supplémentaires ou investir encore plus d'argent. Chaque fois que je me conformais, un nouvel obstacle surgissait, et les excuses devenaient de plus en plus compliquées. Il devenait clair que quelque chose n'allait pas sérieusement.
Finalement, lorsque j'ai cessé de leur verser de l'argent, mon compte a été gelé sans aucune explication. Mes tentatives de contacter le service client ont été ignorées, et mon gestionnaire de compte, qui avait été si désireux de m'aider à investir, était introuvable pendant trois semaines. Il m'est venu à l'esprit que j'avais été arnaqué. Les 165 000 € que j'avais confiés à KIMONSAGE avaient disparu, et je me sentais dévasté et trahi.
Dans les suites de cela, j'étais désespéré de trouver un moyen de récupérer mon argent. Après avoir fait des recherches en ligne, je suis tombé sur AixaLTD . COM, une entreprise spécialisée dans la récupération de fonds perdus à cause d'escroqueries. Étant donné ma récente expérience, j'étais compréhensiblement prudent, mais les avis positifs et les histoires de réussite que j'ai trouvés en ligne m'ont donné une lueur d'espoir et j'ai décidé de contacter Aixa Ltd. Dès le premier échange, j'ai été impressionné par leur professionnalisme et leur empathie. Ils ont écouté attentivement mon histoire, examiné toute la documentation que j'avais, et expliqué les étapes qu'ils prendraient pour récupérer mon argent. Contrairement à KIMONSAGE, Aixa Ltd a été transparent et honnête sur ce à quoi je pouvais m'attendre. Ils n'ont fait aucune fausse promesse mais m'ont assuré qu'ils feraient tout leur possible pour m'aider.Le processus de rétablissement a été minutieux et a nécessité de la patience. AixaLTD a pris en charge, s'occupant de toute la communication avec KIMONSAGE et travaillant avec des institutions financières pour retrouver mes fonds. Ils ont fourni des mises à jour régulières et étaient toujours disponibles pour répondre à mes questions, ce qui a aidé à atténuer l'anxiété que je ressentais tout au long du processus. Après plusieurs semaines de travail acharné, j'ai reçu la BONNE nouvelle pour laquelle je priais : Aixa Ltd avait réussi à récupérer l'intégralité des 165 000 € et mon bénéfice que j'avais perdu auprès de Kimonsage. Le soulagement et la gratitude que j'ai ressentis étaient écrasants. C'était comme si un poids énorme avait été enlevé de mes épaules.”
“My name is Ishan Jai from India,KIMONSAGE are certainly participating in dishonest activity. When I try to withdraw MY investment and profit of 30,000 USD in btc, they deceitfully demand additional fees under various grounds, coercing me into giving them more money. It is critical to use Prudence in such situations. If you have been a victim of their dishonest practices, I strongly recommend you to report your experience with Kimonsage at A i x a L T D . COM because they helped me to got back 30,000 usd back from Kimonsage.”
“Fue un pesar en mi vida haberme encontrado con esta empresa. Haber tenido un representante acosado de esta empresa fue lamentable. Lo que la empresa me había arrastrado financieramente, pensé que me llevaría años recuperarme. Esta empresa KIMONSAGE es peligrosa. Para abordar a nivel global. He hecho esfuerzos frenéticos para obtener un reembolso de mi dinero de hasta £272,830 o un vale para reembolsar a mi prestamista; lo peor es que te obligan a solicitar préstamos como si tuvieran derecho a hacerlo. Casi me cuesta mi relación/ruptura familiar. Sabes, la experiencia dolorosa es cada mes cuando estoy devolviendo el dinero prestado. Luego decidí dar un paso después de descubrir que podía recuperar mis fondos perdidos con la ayuda de hackers y equipos antifraude utilizando herramientas de inteligencia artificial. Verifiqué si podía confiar en A i x a L t d. c o m antes y tenían buena reputación. La semana pasada contraté a A i x a L t d. c o m y me dieron la seguridad necesaria después de que les envié las pruebas. Recuperé mi dinero con la ayuda de A i x a L t d. c o m. Estoy tan feliz ahora, no puedo agradecer lo suficiente a A i x a L t d. c o m, pero el gran Dios los recompensará por su buena acción.”
“I had never invested in before and was looking to turn a small amount of money into more. I had heard about this broker on the news that offered excellent returns with low risk. Little did I know that this was all just a scam created by the company to take people hard-earned money. After months of investment with profit and seen no returns, I almost lost original investment with profit And lost hope then. It was at this time, when I was feeling completely hopeless and helpless, that I stumbled upon sought help.AixaLtd. COM offered to help me recover the losses last weeks which I had suffered due to the KIMONSAGE PLATFORM. The process was surprisingly smooth and after just a few days, AixaLtd. COM managed to recovered my investment and profit (€150,000). Not only did they manage to do so but they also provided me with expert advice on how to make wiser investments in the future. I was truly impressed by AixaLtd. COM professionalism and dedication in helping me out. I provided necessary document to aixaLtd. com before they helped me.
I was so surprised with their team work.”
“La plateforme Fortifiedtrade et son personnel ne sont qu'une bande d'escrocs ! Mon responsable, Mr Adhikary, lorsqu'il a senti que je ne revenais pas alors que j'essayais de retirer une grosse somme d'argent. Il a approuvé mon retrait mais a remplacé cet argent par un faux paiement lors du transfert sur mon compte. Il m'a simplement fait croire que je pouvais retirer et obtenir mon argent aussi facilement, mais c'était clairement un mensonge. J'ai investi 152 000 Euros mais je n'ai pas pu retirer quoi que ce soit pendant des mois jusqu'à ce que j'engage AixaLtd. COM ! Pour faire court, j'aurais perdu tout mon investissement sur cette plateforme. J'ai pu obtenir de l'aide après avoir joint mon relevé de transactions comme preuve pour la société de récupération d'argent AixaLtd. COM, totalisant 168 230,95 Euros, y compris les bénéfices, et grâce à l'aide d'AixaLtd. COM, j'ai pu récupérer mon argent auprès de ces escrocs. S'il vous plaît, NE DEVENEZ PAS LEUR PROCHAIN VICTIME ! PRENEZ GARDE ! Si Mr Adhikary peut lire cette critique, j'espère simplement que la netteté de la Parole de Dieu pourra pénétrer ton cœur avide ! parce que je ne suis pas la seule victime de Ramos. Marc 8:36 "Que profitera à un homme de gagner le monde entier, s'il perd son âme ?" Galates 6:7 "Car tout ce qu'un homme sème, cela aussi il le moissonnera." Merci à AixaLtd. COM qui m'a aidé à récupérer mes fonds. Dieu bénira vos équipes.”
“I was persuaded to deposit money by this website, but after I did, I found that I was unable to withdraw it and that no one was responding to my emails.I would have lost £148,400 to this fraudulent company. It was suggested that I contact AixaLtd. com in order to obtain my money and profit back in a couple of days. In other for you to contact them if only you're experiencing the same problem.”
“I am extremely grateful to the team at AixaLtd. com for their exceptional services. Despite falling victim to a significant scam, their dedicated team successfully recovered my funds. Their extensive knowledge and expertise in dealing with online fraud cases are highly commendable. I highly recommend Aixaltd. com services to anyone facing similar challenges.”
“It was really disheartening that I was recently the victim of a fraud by a kimonsage. Despite my best efforts to collaborate with the police and my attorneys to find a solution, I was left feeling let down and helpless. However, my luck changed when I found A=I=X=A=L=T=D. C=O=M. Their exceptional understanding and dedication allowed me to get my lost money back. Their assistance in resolving this awful situation is greatly appreciated. Their proficiency and commitment to serving their customers are truly commendable. They are absolutely recommended to anyone who has been duped and is searching for reliable assistance.”
“I have been trying to withdraw my money since 5th February 2024. No open trades, and I have a small profit.I decided to withdraw money but have also had nothing approved or sent. All bad reviews are correct. Everything you have read has happened to me. Amount in question was 123,999 USD. Withdrawal request was made on 9th April again and it was declined by Investmarkets. I was relentless and I did my own research as well as Informing Police referred to me TheresachinRecovery as they were able to work on my withdrawal and recovered all my money. l will carry on posting this review everywhere on how TheresachinRecovery assisted me, victims can as well reach them via email: t h e r e s a c h i n 1 2 1 2 (at) g m a i l . c o m
Call/WhatsApp + 1 2 3 4 3 0 0 1 5 4 4”
“Very bad experience from this trading plat form . I paid 200$ and they made profit of 100$ by currency trading. After that the so called account manger was called me to deposit 2000$ for bitcoin trading which i refused and after that no communication .
The main issue is that we can contact them through mail only. They call us from different numbers and we cannot call them .I want to withdraw my investment of 200$ and tried to contact through mail. but no response from their end.
waiting for their reply and get back my investment of 200$ only .”
“This company is not authorized to conduct business, and they urge you to keep making deposits even though they won't allow you take money out or close your account. They tricked me into thinking they were real and had me invest all of my savings.They insisted on receiving additional money from me before I could take my money out when I wished to. I consented and paid, but they said that I still owed money and that I should. They stopped responding to my emails because I refused to pay them after sending everything I had and had nothing left. They are wholly fraudulent. I got my investment and profit back after i reported them to M A D A C O V I . C O through their website with evidence shows that i was scammed by kimonsage.”