“Matériel arrivé en temps et en heure dans un emballage très sécurisant. Donne entière satisfaction. J'ai juste galéré un peu pour trouver les câbles pour brancher un disque supplémentaire. Ils étaient tout simplement derrière la paroi opposée à la vitre dans un logement situé à proximité de l'alimentation 👍 Matériel très bien préparé par des pros. 👏👏”
“Hervorragend zusammengebauter Rechner. Er entspricht alle meine Erwartungen.
Es ist wichtig, sofort nach dem Auspacken loszulegen und damit sorgenlos arbeiten zu dürfen.
Mit dem Software-Angebot bin ich auch zufrieden.”
“Aufrüst Kit ist klasse. Hat alles geklappt, nach BIOS Umstellung. Telefonische Beratung sehr nett, aber leider nicht so kompetent. Na ja, nicht so schlimm, habe es hinbekommen.”
“Poor customer service, I had to exchange more than 20 mails and even then my request was not fulfilled. Mistakes can happen, but they did not even excuse themselves.
They’ve put the wrong price on a full PC build but they were telling me that if was my fault and I did not have to buy it, knowing I would not receive it,”
“I've been using the PC i customized with memory PC for months not and i am very pleased with their professionalism in assembling the PC and their services. Only downside was a delay in Delivery, however it was soon forgotten after seeing the PC !”
“Despite that I had to wait three weeks to have my PC, the product is awesome. The mounting is nicely done. The PC works perfectly. I'm very satisfied. Still, there is one point that could be improved, the additional hard drive wasn't visible in the Explorer, which is normal, thus a notice for beginners had been welcomed.
I warmly recommend Memory PC.”