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Rennovation Reviews

5.0 Rating 105 Reviews
99 %
of reviewers recommend Rennovation
Based on 105 reviews
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Rennovation 5 star review on 3rd June 2023
Henrique Felski
Rennovation 5 star review on 18th November 2022
Tayane Mello
Rennovation 5 star review on 19th October 2022
Leonardo Alves
Rennovation 5 star review on 25th August 2022
Simone Prado
Rennovation 5 star review on 28th May 2022
Cristiano Bertolini
Rennovation 5 star review on 5th May 2022
Alexandre Czechowics
Rennovation 5 star review on 15th July 2021
Eber Oliveira
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
O Renno sempre foi muito solícito e atencioso com todas as minhas dúvidas. Desde o começo compartilhou todo sua experiência e conhecimento de forma a ajudar a todos. E isso não só em relação ao processo, mas sobre toda a mudança de vida. Consegui minha aprovação e sou muito grata a ele!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A mentoria foi extremamente esclarecedora. Me deu outra visão sobre como me apresentar. Recomendo de olhos fechados!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Rubens Renno has a deep knowledge over the EB2-NIW Visa requirements. His mentoring and coaching brought to me points of view of the process that I would never imagine. Hi has the ability to clear explain the mais topics of the petition in an easy way and for my was key his help on my process. Always concerned on how you are developing your plan, he contributed not only in the mentoring sessions but also with the podcast "Rennovation USA"with extemely valuable information. Thanks for your kindness and firendship. I strongly recommend Rubens Renno mentoring.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Great mentoring program. I was very pleased and will definitely recommend it to others.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I would like to thank Rubens Renno for his support during the mentoring of the EB2NIW process, for his assistance, for the online meetings, for the lives, for the podcasts and for the friendship that led me to the approval of my immigration process to the United States.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Eu altamente recomendo os serviços do Renno, assim como o seu Podcast “Rennovation USA”, pois ele possui um amplo conhecimento sobre o processo do EB-2 NIW, uma didática incrível do qual me trouxe muito esclarecimento sobre a petição e dicas valiosíssimas. Agradeço todo o seu excelente trabalho que ajuda muita gente e sua gentileza em ser tão prestativo! Te desejo muito sucesso em sua vida.
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Posted 3 years ago
Desde o inicio o Rubens Renno foi sempre muito prestativo e solícito. Possui vasta experiência e conhecimento de todo o processo EB2-NIW. Sempre me respondeu de forma positiva o que me deixou muito confiante no meu processo, fez uma análise crítica do meu Currículo Vitae e pontuou as minhas principais qualificações e características para me colocar dentro dos 3 prongs exigidos para o pleito. Me mostrou o quão importante eu sou e serei para os USA e o meu nicho de mercado. Só tenho a agradecê-lo pela importante ajuda no meu processo e na minha aprovação em pouquíssimo tempo, exatos 8 meses e dois dias. Ficam aqui os meus sinceros e cordiais agradecimentos pela notável e nobre ajuda. Um forte abraço, Marcus Cardozo. From the beginning, Rubens Renno was always very helpful and attentive. He has vast experience and knowledge of the entire EB2-NIW process. He always responded positively, which made me very confident in my process, made a critical analysis of my Curriculum Vitae and scored my main qualifications and characteristics to put me within the 3 prongs required for the election. It showed me how important I am and will be to the USA and my niche market. I just have to thank you for the important help in my process and my approval in very little time, exactly 8 months and two days. Here are my sincere and cordial thanks for the remarkable and noble help. A big hug, Marcus Cardozo
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I was able to prepare my petition from Rennovation´s valuable instructions and advice. Its excellent recommendations helped me clear my mind, think strategically and understand how I should conduct my petition. I´m sure I´ll reach my goals and I´m very grateful for the support I had from Rennovation.
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Posted 3 years ago
Competência, profissionalismo e com vasta experiência em aplicações de vistos para EUA. Atendimento excepcional ao cliente, com toda atenção, segurança e confiabilidade.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I really enjoyed being mentored by Rubens. His advice is straight to the point, focusing on what really matters and that will aggregate value to the product or service. In my case, my personal plan was somewhat improved by applying his comments and suggestions. I strongly recommend the work of Rennovation.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Rennovation is a great program for who intend to have an immigratory process with quality and security informations. I recommend strongly!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A mentoria realizado pelo Rubens, fui crucial para realizar a minha petição, me deu um norte para escrever a Cover Letter e o Personal Plan. Agradeço a sua coloboração no desenvolvimento da minha Petição.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Rubens Renno is an expert, he always has the right words to explain what’s wrong on your text and help clear the ideas for achieve the objectives. He passed for all phases of the immigration process and share your own experiences. Beyond to practice just prices on his mentoring, he also in his free time through from Podcasts, lives, and tips, help us with some informations that is not so clear on the Internet translating for a easy interpretation and understanding. I highly recommend his services and I believe on the results that I will achieve together with him.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Rennovation was instrumental in improving the quality of my immigration claim. It helped me to correct mistakes that were fatally unfavorable to me. Absolutely recommend.
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Posted 3 years ago
Rubens is a very good professional I'm very happy with his services.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
As mentorias do Renno dão um valor inmenso ao processo EB2 NIW. Certamente é importante ter este tipo de atividades durante o processo. Obrigado Renno, você é o cara. Sempre sou grto pela tua valiosa ajuda!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A Rennovation possui um portfólio bem completo desde o apoio básico no preenchimento dos forms até o suporte á uma RFE. O Renno é um self petitioner e isso é um benchmark para quem contrata os seus serviços. Recomendo em sua totalidade
Rennovation 5 star review on 15th July 2021
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Rubens does a perfect job. In addition he is always very professional and honest. I will reccomend his work to everyone.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Estou muito satisfeita com o processo de mentoria que está sendo conduzida pelo Rubens, desde o início do processo. Recomendo o sua condução.
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Posted 3 years ago
Excelente mentoria e extremamente esclarecedora. Super indico.
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Posted 3 years ago
Rennovation is rated 5.0 based on 105 reviews