Skar Audio, Inc. have a Customer Happiness Grade of B. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their refunds.
Best selection for me , high quality and good price for my sound , he’ll yeah amazing product
- Roberto R
Shipping is fast and overall a good brand didn’t thing one 12 would hit soo hard definitely recommend for the price
- Dalton F
Cam on time performance is good. Would have like to have some wire and mounting screws with it. But overall great speaker for the price
- Jacob S
Love it. Good quality, instant delivery, easy to install 👌
- Nadab L
From order, to shipping, to delivery, was exactly what I ordered.
- Jason T
Good product, pricing and fast delivery
- Nestor P
Amp popped within the first day of having it…cant return it cause it got lost in the mail!!! I want a refund 👎🏽
- Andrew B
Never got my refund
- AJ S
I contacted customer support and they told me because the package was delivered that I wouldn’t be getting a replacement or a refund.
- Will A
Great product and service
- Phillip S
Customer's service is great
I've not installed it yet but I've looked at it. And it's packaged well and it's complete. The shipping company wasn't great but Skar Audio informed me. If I didn't receive it in a day or two contact them. They'll ship me another one now that's good customer's service.
- Null N
Great subs, great prices, and great customer service. Easy installation with few YouTube videos. Sounds amazing.
- Qays H