“A great deal of the information is incorrect. Not sure how some of that info even pertains to the property record. The time frame of the info is inaccurate on a lot of the record as well. ? My husband, Robert Campbell is the owner of the property and he was disappointed in the content as well.”
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“PropertyRecond.com was easy to use, quick and gave me all the information I was looking for on my parents property I needed. Very helpful and I appreciated their attentive follow up to make sure I was serviced well.”
“This is an easy way to get ALOT of information about your entire property!. . . It also tells you where nearby sex offenders live. (It even gave me my criminal history, ALL for a buck!!!”
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Hello Cheryl,
Please contact us at support@thepropertyrecord.com and put ‘Refund’ in the subject line. We will immediately refund your order.
The Support Team
“I was checking my RE tax assessment to see if the 35% discount had been applied. Having my estimated value of my home was a noce bonus but I could never find what the current tax rate is in Chesterfield County.”
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