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The Thompson Method Reviews

5.0 Rating 294 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend The Thompson Method
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About The Thompson Method:

The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence based method towards a gentle birth and pain-free breastfeeding experience. It was created by Dr Robyn Thompson, a midwife with over 45 years experience who was awarded a PhD for her research into why so many women were being discharged from hospital with painful nipple trauma and other breastfeeding complications such as engorgement & mastitis.

The Thompson Method challenges the forceful breastfeeding techniques, linked with painful nipple trauma, that are commonly taught in most hospitals. It’s for ALL women who want to breastfeed, but particularly those giving birth in the hospital system because it offers a gentle alternative to help women AVOID the most common and painful breastfeeding complications.

But it’s more than just the technique on how to get a good latch. It is that, but it’s so much more...

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The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th August 2024
Elizabeth B
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th August 2024
Brianna C
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 3rd August 2024
Leanne R
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 31st July 2024
Ashley A
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 15th July 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
This program blessed my family so much! My baby had no problems latching. In fact, the night we stayed at the hospital the nurses kept sending in other nurses to see the baby with the “perfect latch”. I was so proud! She gained back more than her birthweight by 1 week, and I owe all of it to the education I received from the Thompson Method. I recommend this to ALL first time moms and any mamas who have struggled with previous breastfeeding experiences. Not only does this course guide you as a beginner, but it can correct any issues you’ve had with baby’s latch or mom’s anatomy that the doctor’s have made seem hopeless. Tongue ties and nipple size don’t matter when you’re following the guidance found in this course.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 29th November 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
This program is the real deal! I watched all of the videos prior to birth and felt so prepared to start my breast-feeding journey. I was able to push back on recommendations at the hospital, including nipple shields, and cross cradle positioning, because I knew that breast-feeding can be gentle and natural without unnecessary interventions. I frequently referenced the videos when I needed additional information and the Facebook page when I needed community support. I made it to 19 1/2 months of breastfeeding with my son. He never took a pacifier or a bottle. I feel so accomplished and can’t wait to use the Thompson method again for number two.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th September 2024
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Posted 3 days ago
My gorgeous baby girl is almost six months old now. We are still exclusively breastfeeding and it's all going so well. 🥰 I wanted to thank Dr Robyn Thompson for saving our breastfeeding journey. When I first met Dr Robyn in my breastfeeding rescue session I was in tears, massively sleep deprived, and experiencing extreme pain when feeding my baby. My nipples were horrifically damaged to a point where my lactation consultant asked me if she could use me as a case study. I was depressed and had decided the day before my rescue session to move to exclusive pumping. Dr. Robyn was the kind and gentle source of truth I needed. She talked me through some adjustments to help improve my baby's latch and prevent more nipple trauma. She was also the first person after a sea of midwives, obstetricians and lactation consultants to acknowledge my instincts and tell me to listen to them. I almost cried with gratitude when she told me it was ok to prioritise my own health because only then could both me and my baby thrive. I am only breastfeeding today because of Dr. Robyn. I had two sessions with her and after each one I left feeling so much calmer and confident. My nipples have now completely healed and breastfeeding is painless. It still took a good three months to get to this point but Dr Robyn and her calm and common sense approach are the only reason we are here today. Thank you Dr Robyn.
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Posted 5 days ago
Just dropping in to say THANK YOU! 📣 My little man turned one month old on the 23rd... And after a rough first couple weeks of helping him get the hang of things (literally lol--I have shorter/"flat?" nipples + quick letdown and faster flow), his latch is tremendous and we have been having an amazing breastfeeding journey thus far 💞 He has some pretty intense reflux and GI issues that we're working through (with practitioners and with the help of this program). But the guidance of those topics and controlling my flow and volume have greatly helped and things have been getting better 🙌🏽 Thank you all for the quick responses and feedback and your dedication to this group 🙏🏽💗
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th August 2024
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Posted 1 week ago
I just wanted to say thank you to Dr. Robyn and this community! I just had my baby girl 8 weeks ago and I completed the course while pregnant. I went into breastfeeding feeling confident and capable, and so far it has been smooth sailing! I was able to identify a lip tie myself due to her latch, and have still been able to breastfeed pain free using the principles in this course. I was nervous to breastfeed when I initially got pregnant because I had heard so many friends stories about how painful it was or how they had to quit so early on, but after completing the course I felt ready. I know we are still very early on in our breastfeeding journey, but I am very happy with how far we have gotten and am excited to continue with my baby girl and with future babies!
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Posted 3 weeks ago
I have successfully been breastfeeding my son for nearly 3 years thanks to the Thompson method. The beginning came with its challenges and I was quite overwhelmed with postpartum, being a new mom, and trying to navigate how to nurse my son in a natural pain free way. I was so thankful to have TTM as a resource and to have the support from the Facebook group. Unfortunately I did not find the Thompson method until after I had delivered. I was desperately looking for help after having nipple trauma, thanks to the hospital lactation consultant forcefully sticking baby on my breast. With the help of the informative videos I was able to correct his latch and heal the trauma. I’m so thankful I’ve been able to provide nourishmentn and nurturing to my sweet babe thanks to the Thompson Method. I cannot speak highly enough of Dr. Robin, her team, and this wonderful program.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th August 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
I want to say how thankful I am for the Thompson Method. I always envisioned breastfeeding my babies, but when my first was born four years ago I struggled greatly. I experienced severe nipple trauma and pain, my supply was low, and it contributed to my postpartum depression and anxiety. I ended up exclusively pumping round the clock and supplementing with formula. I fully believe in “fed is best” and am beyond thankful that formula exists. But I went through a grieving process as I let go of the breastfeeding journey I had envisioned. When I got pregnant with my second child, I knew I wanted to try breastfeeding again but this time I wanted to go in with more education. I found the Thompson Method on instagram and decided to try the course. The first thing I felt as I went through the videos was a sense of calm and peace followed by empowerment. The first 72 hours of breastfeeding were the hardest - nursing round the clock - but I never experienced the intense nipple pain and trauma this time around. I felt calm and confident. My baby is 3 1/2 months old and we are successfully breastfeeding and he is growing like a weed. The Thompson Method made this possible and it has been a redemptive, healing, amazing gift. Thank you.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
Thank you, Dr. Thompson! I recommend your method to EVERY mama I come across who is expecting or struggling to breastfeed. With your method I have been able to breastfeed my baby from birth to now 13 months! My baby was in the NICU upon arrival, so I unfortunately wasn’t able to breastfeed right away, but I did everything suggested for this scenario and it helped immensely! Thank you!! ☺️
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 3rd August 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
Almost ONE year & counting thanks to the Thompson Method & my intuition. This nourishment journey has taught me so much. I’ve learned breastfeeding CAN be done even in the darkest storms of adversity. My son became ill at 2 weeks old with a life altering GI condition. He currently has a feeding tube that goes to his intestines. I pump milk for his tube feeds & continue to nurse daily. So many doubters pushed for formula & to end our breastfeeding journey. I knew breastfeeding was & still is the best thing for my baby. I listened to my intuition & trusted my body’s ability to nourish him. Not once did I doubt our journey. I don’t plan to stop until he shows signs of readiness to wean. Boobie & his tubie are keeping him thriving! Thank you so much Thompson Method! Breastfeeding is so much more than nourishment, but a bond like no other. I’m forever thankful.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 31st July 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
Just wanted to say I’m thankful I took this class. I only made it a short time with my first and my body hurt terribly because of the “football” hold and he wasn’t comfortable either. This little guy loves nursing and hates bottles 😂. I think we succeeded because of the golden hours. The first feed. And properly holding him with face symmetry that was taught. So thankful!
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Posted 1 month ago
Thank you TTM. I had not found you until I listened to the great birth rebellion podcast and I heard Dr Robyn talking in such awesome logic that I jumped on the course. I started learning at 5months pregnant. After two really challenging experiences I wanted so badly to make number 3 a healing breast feeding journey. And holy moley I am so proud of baby and me. We’re 6 months in and have the amazing knowledge of Dr Robyn to thank. No pain; no antibiotics, drug free beautiful water birth. So so so happy. Her knowledge is timeless, and her presentations are calm, factual and get to the point. Thank you, I would not have gotten here without you.
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Posted 1 month ago
I came across TTM when I was almost ready to give up feeding, in tears one night with my 2 week old, seriously thinking how I was going to continue feeding through the pain from the cross cradle technique that I was taught at hospital. I was so close to being broken. Since using TTM our feeding transformed and I couldn’t be more thankful. I understand how our feeding works and feel really informed and empowered to make changes (when needed) from what I have learned through this method. My baby boy Hugo is a very happy and settled baby, I credit so much of that to our BFing journey and what I have learned from Dr Robyn. The 24 hour Facebook support is amazing too. You really are so supported to do what you feel is best to feed your baby.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 15th July 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
First of all, I want to make a HUGE shout out to the #admin and managers of this group. I have had personal questions and also follow and read along Many other daily posts in this group and you guys are just phenomenal. You're so quick to respond and with the most helpful advice, links, direction and instruction, not to mention the positive reinforcement and feedback you give that keeps us breastfeeding Mom's feeling like we are doing the right things. You give us the hope and encouragement we need to keep us going! I really feel that because of this course and page, I've been successful in my EBF journey with my little almost 2 week old baby girl, without needing a course through the hospital and no lactation consultation outside of the hospital. When born, our girl was 6lb 6.6oz. was doing really well breastfeeding in the hospital to get things started (at least I felt so). She dropped to 5lb 13oz (expected) at 5 days old but my milk hadn't come in until the next day following the initial weigh in. We've since been feeding on demand which is nearly every 2-3 hours around the clock, she's having wet/dirty nappies each feed, sleeping well, not fussy and now at almost 2 weeks we are up to 6lb 10.5 oz! 🥳 The pediatricians goal for her was only 6lb 4oz so he did not recommend supplementing with formula! 🙌 I wanted to share the good news and say that I sincerely appreciate the support from this group and admin. I really am grateful for the BF Momma family that I've found with this group. 🥰🤱🏻💗 100% recommend going through the program and letting Robyn and her team help you through your BF journey, during your pregnancy and after 🥰
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 12th July 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
We made it to 6 months because of this program, before my little guy decided to call it quits, and I am so grateful. Between supply issues and latch issues, it was rough in the beginning. What sold me on this program was the acknowledgment of the trauma and forcefulness of breast feeding in the hospital, and the refreshing, intuitive approach, trusting the baby to know what to do. My supply issues were resolved, and I’ve gone from being an under producer to producing enough to have a daycare stash. We wouldn’t have made it this far, nor had the positive experience we did, without this program. I cannot recommend it enough.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 10th July 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
The hold is great if that’s all the advice you take, but all their other advice is terrible. They contradict themselves in videos and at 1-2-1 appointments. Examples: Don’t take a supplement/ but dr t says to drop one in your Donut. Don’t bother pumping to increase supply/ the only way to increase supply is gentle stimulation. Baby will refuse bottle if not hungry/ or no baby will take bottle if given to them. Wait three hours/ but not unless it’s hot out. Told me to get baby feeding every 3 hours- not to slightly increase the times between feeds, so ignoring baby’s cues they were then overly hungry and wouldn’t breastfeed at all. Total set back in bf journey. Baby now screams when put in the Thompson hold.
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Posted 1 month ago
It took me/us awhile but we’re finally in sync! Thanks to the Thompson Method knowledge I kept trying and we are enjoying our breastfeeding time together 🥰 It’s been such an intense journey to get where we are today and I’m so grateful to Dr Robyn’s life’s work and everyone at the Thompson Method for all the support. I was not going to breastfeed, I told myself, and just so I kept an open mind I bought a book on breastfeeding and the pregnancy hormones made me so emotional thinking about that connection with my future baby. The book mentioned the Thompson Method and I thought it sounded so gentle and baby led that I immediately bought the course. I’m a preschool teacher and am so pro baby led anything. I went into birth so excited about the latch and golden hours, which we got luckily but then it became immediately difficult. I broke down from the pain, nurses were pressuring me and forcing her on me, no one was listening but I knew deep down I wanted to do TTM. I ended up pumping because I was in so much pain and I became a manic mess measuring and making sure she ate the perfect amount (she had high levels of jaundice) and in the back of my mind I knew I needed to keep trying. We kept latching once a day for a few minutes and slowly worked our way up to longer and longer times. I meticulously combed through and checked TTM FB group. Wrote my own drafts of questions but never sent them, then finally we were going to take an international trip and I knew baby girl was going to need us to latch on the plane. I finally wrote my drafts to TTM FB group and Shelley Cook helped so much. I wonder sometimes if I should have kept trying harder earlier, sent those drafts sooner, but I’m happy with our journey and am determined to keep easing into exclusively BF. I still have that fear of her getting enough even though everything says she will. I’m getting there! Baby girl just turned 5 months and some of my favorite moments are when we are breastfeeding and we lock eyes and she smiles and all the milk runs out of her mouth 😂 she is so silly Or when I know the only way she will feel safe and better is when she can latch and I can do that for her. It such a good feeling when she shows signs of wanting to breastfeed and that I have the confidence now to provide that for her. So thank you, and thank you so much to Dr. Robyn 💕
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 10th July 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
💜 Appreciation post from Ireland💜 I just wanted to say thank you to Dr Robyn and the team for this programme. The information and implementation are wonderful. This is my wee man, Donnacha, 4 weeks old today and my third born. I wish I had this programme for my other two children; one failed and one successful breastfeeding journey. My wee man was delivered by elective Caesarean at 37 weeks due to complications from previous Caesareans. He spent 4 days in NICU and during that time, using the Thompson method for expressing and skin-to-skin helped my little man dramatically, the NICU team were so supportive and I told them about this method. I have recommended it to family and friends who are on or beginning their breastfeeding journey. I know I'm still early on my journey but I just wanted to say thank you for the content and responsiveness of the team. Keep up the great work everyone! 💜
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 30th June 2024
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Posted 2 months ago
If there was one thing I did that changed my overall pregnancy, birth experience, and breastfeeding it was Dr Thompson Method. So much more than just breastfeeding, it helped me brave enough to follow my own instincts and critically think for myself. Had a beautiful unmedicated birth (switched to midwife mid 2nd trimester), easier birth than I expected. Some complications breastfeeding in the 1st few days, stuck with it, and got the help I needed. EBF till about a year. We breastfed till 2.5 years old. I'm eternally grateful I made an impulse buy that changed my mindset and experience so much for the better. Breastfeeding is not only best nutrition, natural bound, illness/immunity support, jaw development. I returned to work at 12 weeks and had no issues switching between bottles and boob. My husband called it the "placenta" show because the 1st episode he heard he liked how it sounded with the accent hehe.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th June 2024
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Posted 2 months ago
Just wanted to say thank you... Baby Boy is now almost 5 months old. And the last 2 month of exclusively breastfeeding. We had an rescue session with Dawn Shalom, when he was about 5 weeks old. We were using a nipple shield and had to top up with formula. First we worked on the top ups, so we could use only breast milk. And then we worked on the nipple shield. It took long... but it was worth it. Around 12 weeks old he stopped using the shield🙌🏻 Looking back, it was an incredible journey and I could have never imagined to be at this point we are at now... at some points along the way, I even thought, that we would have to quit breastfeeding. I am so grateful for this program, the support I've got and the rescue session. Thank you all very much for your great work❤️ Carol from Switzerland
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Posted 2 months ago
Good night, I am here to share my experience so that mommies who may come across this program can feel comfortable trying it. I learned about the Thompson method via a ad on Facebook. I was sceptical at first especially being a first time mom but i wanted to be as educated and prepared as i possibly could be. I went through the materials during my last trimmer of pregnancy and i must say it had an answer for every question you could think of. The videos were really helpful especially when you feel like you are failing you could always go back and watch. My baby did not latch right away, took almost two weeks but with the information i gathered here, my midwives help and a lil persistence she did so on her own time 😂😂😂. The technique definitely helps prevent nipple pain and cracked nipples. If you are thinking about it, definitely do it. Your anxiety will decrease and they respond promptly. That was a surprise. Looking forward to enjoying many months of bonding with my baby. We are one month in. Nessa- from Antigua
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Posted 2 months ago
Sorry for a long-winded post, but… I bought this program when I was pregnant with my third child, after two failed breastfeeding journeys with my first two. I wasn’t successful with my third, but gave up before reaching out for further guidance. In hindsight, I wish I would have reached out for a rescue session. My fourth is 7 weeks old and I FINALLY have an EBF baby. I had nipple damage after his first feed in the hospital. I spent the first two weeks watching and rewatching the videos. I am so thankful for this program because without it I would have given up again. I am sure we will come across more obstacles along the way, but I know the support in this program will get us through. It still seems surreal that I’m able to feed my baby! ❤️
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Posted 2 months ago
The Thompson Method is rated 5.0 based on 294 reviews