As someone who has painted hundreds of miniatures to advanced tabletop, washes are a quick way for good results for gaming. Army Painter washes are thicker than Vallejo, which I've found to be too weak. (I do recommend Vallejo Gray for shading heroes, and to thin washes.) The brown Soft Tone is the most versatile, I even use it for flesh tones. Brown Strong Tone is best with monsters, as it suggests a dirty look, or to shade brown (eg. leather armor). Black Dark Tone is useful for metal armor and shading heroes whom you don't want to look dirty. You can wet the surface of the miniature down to that the black wash flows better. Green, Red, Blue, and Purple washes are useful on top of their respective colors, and are on the dark side, preferable for shading. Flesh is too red for me. I end up using Flesh rarely, for flesh-based horror monsters. (Miniatures are from the Fantasy Series I set, by Wildspire Miniatures.)