Surprised and very happy with the quality of this storage bag. The materials used in construction of this bag are very durable and of high-quality. Other bags I've seen are thin and flimsy, mostly designed for one use (even though the packaging claims otherwise). This bag feels like it will last as long as the tree itself. I was impressed with the stitching for the handles and the quality of the zippers. It was nice to have the interior panels and belts for scrunching the tree down to size. The bottom of the bag has some plastic reinforcement which, I noticed, allowed for me to drag it across the floor more easily ;-) The bag itself is like a duffel and has very little shape. This lack of shape does cause some difficulties when using the wheels on the bag. The bag tends to bend a bit. Once I understood the best way manipulate the zipped bag, it was super easy to roll. I would recommend this bag to anyone. It's worth the extra money. It's durable and well made.