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Ivan B
Mobility is one of the best things that can happen to you. Here you learn the difference between mobility and flexibility. For me, it works best in these scenarios: 1. Mon-Sat Mobility + Sun Recovery; 2. Mon, Wed and Fri Mobility + Tue, Thu and Sat Resilience; 3. Split between Mobility and Elements or Mobility and IS. I currently work on the first schedule, making Mobility my main training. Feel light and sharp, all aches from the past (I work a desk job, as a programmer) are gone. I do not need to warm up to do forward/pike fold to pick something up from the floor (that is just an example, there was a lot more). Since I am familiar with the GMB concept, and since the Play section of Mobility has about 3 movements, I combine them (and add some of the other movements that I have learned in Elements, sometimes Floor Loco also) and do one big flow for those 10-15min of play at the end. Also worth mentioning, I have a Gymnastics and later Calisthenics background, and stretching/mobility exercises were not my favorite (if I may say, I would skip it or not do it at all), but now they are the main part of my training. That's how Mobility by GMB is good, and it does what it says in the description, bulletproof body and no limitations in regular daily movements or any advanced movements, like Handstands, Planches, and Levers (if you take it seriously and move it to another level).
2 years ago
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