Swami was immenseley helpful in supporting both of our (very different) kids on their college application journeys. Each ended up with several good options to choose from, and with a feeling of confidence and peace about the whole process. One ended up at UC Berkeley studying Economics and Data Science; the other is heading to St Andrews in Scotland to Study Social Anthropology and International Relations. Swami was really able to guide each of our kids through a process of examining their own personalities, strengths, and goals, and he helped them shape their story for the competitive environment that is applying to college. He really removed a tremendous amount of stress from the process, helped the kids focus, and supported them in progressing through each step in a way that built their confidence and I think also their self-awareness. He also taps into a network of sophisticated advisors that bring additional expertise and an understanding of the different college admission systems to the process. I highly recommend him, and LifeLauncr!