I'm a novice with all this maker stuff and my current project required a 1m cable that connects to a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and an i2c BME280 barometric sensor.
So the ultrasonic sensor was not a problem but found the i2c could not be seen on the end of this cable.
After reading about it, I found like many others that the longer the cable the less likely you'll be able to talk to the i2c device on the end. I did find there are ICs out there to help with this problem, but being lazy I then saw this Adafruit module. I was a bit skeptical but bought one to try.
I placed the module on the end of the cable using a STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-Pin Cable which I cut that in half to enable me to connect the module to the 1m cable and the other half to the sensor.
I then powered on the device and watched in anticipation ... wow first line of code to call are you there and it just responded instantly and gave me the results I was looking for.
So my project now has a 1m cable with an i2c module fully working.
I have attached photos of the cable, the ends, the device and serial debug screen captures.
The first debug screen the i2c bus scan found my RTC DS3231 module the clock and the eprom (0x 57 & 0x68) but no BME280 (0x76).
However after the extender was connected... voila the bus scan now shows the 0x76 the BME280.
Then I changed the sketch to read the BM280 and display it's readings.
It also shows my ultrasonic sensor working at the same time - with ye ole floating hand over the sensor test to prove it was working too.
The cable I am using is unscreened, 8 Core, 24 AWG signal cable.
The micro controller is a DF Robot ESP32 Firebeetle (DFR0478)
Connected into a prototype pcb board.
So yes I can highly recommend this module.