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Although this product has imperfections, I give it a high rating and have no regrets. For $2.50 it is a great and educational project. My students made name necklaces and keychains and bracelets. The colors are vibrant and I liked the small size better than the larger beads or the plastic ones. The cord, which came in 4 different colors, has some stretch which also added to its versatility. Every bag had the correct number of beads, but not every letter was included in every bag and not every bead was perfect, which the website warns. For example, of the 14 bags I purchased, the paint on a few of the 300+ beads was either smudged or it ran, a few had the letter off-center, and 2 out of the 300+ beads had a scraped or uneven surface (see photo). I had ordered two extra packets, thinking that some students have more than one of the same letters in their names; therefore, these missing or imperfect beads did not impact the project. I had more than enough letters between all the bags. Some students also found some letters hard to distinguish, like dalet and raish, or hey and chet, but that is more a result of their own limitations. I had no problems. I also ordered Jewish stars, small blue & white perler beads, and blue glass beads to fill in around the name. It was a unique and fun project.
8 years ago
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