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J Arrizza
This is a beautiful model, although not the best out of the Deluxe Raptor Series due to its added underbelly fluff making it so that one of the posing clips cannot actually clip to its underside, so dynamic poses such as running or jumping are near impossible which is a huge let-down. However, it balances just fine for more simple walking or standing poses, and it truly is a stunning product. I have also encountered that one of the shoulder joints is loose, so that if the arm is posed 45° out or so it will fall down on its own, but if posed at bigger angles, or at a right angle to the body, it does stay. That may very well be a fault with the particular product I received, as I haven’t seen others mention the same problem. These models are however not meant to be toys, and the raptor models especially are notorious for losing joint strength over time, and this is made worse with frequent use. Therefore, I suggest you pick a pose and stick with it. The paint job on this—and all of the raptors really—is very well done. Its colouration is based on the red-billed blue magpie, which brings more life and realism to the patterns. I will note that the paint job isn’t quite as exquisitely blended out as it is on the product images, especially on the wings, but there is still a great level of care and detail. Each primary and secondary feather has a white line, the crest has been dry-brushed with white to highlight it, and the patterns continue down the tail feathers and even on the underside. Heck, even the feet are dark-washed with a burnt amber colour to make the rest of the scales really pop. The level of detail is magnificent. Even the base is painted with care, though again not as exquisitely as in the image, but rather close, with various shades of green and some sticks painted on the ground. These models are all created with realism in mind, and it’s nailed every time. The degree of feathering—Zhenyuanlong suni was an especially feathered beast—and the lack of pronated wrists (truly a blessing in today’s day and age, just look at how every Jurassic Park Velociraptor has atrocious looking hands that point to the floor, that would break a real Velociraptor’s wrists!!), plus the choice to give the animal lips that cover its teeth, all of these are things that are missing from most mainstream dromaeosaur figures. Oh, and did I mention that the tongue is moveable too??? For dinosaur enthusiasts and model collectors, I absolutely recommend. If you’re not worried about the dynamic posses and want a really feathered dinosaur to show off, then go for it. I have also bought the Beasts of the Mesozoic 1:6 scale Linheraptor exquisitus, which is indeed exquisite and does not have the same posing difficulties as Zhenyuanlong suni, although it is about $20 more expensive if memory serves me correctly. If you’re looking for something much more sturdy, and certainly if you’re looking for a true toy that you can play with, then this isn’t the product for you.
1 year ago
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