We WERE having Deer issues on Long Island in New York. Between the few Tick Bites and our inability to keep any type of landscaping from being devoured, we went the route of installing an Electric Fence. Though I do own this unit, I am currently using a different unit. The RED SNAP'R functions flawlessly as the Kencove AC Powered Energizer 1.0 Joule does. Thank you so much for all of your help. For the first time in many years, we have untouched Hostas in full bloom! We still see Deer every day on my neighbor's land within the four acres we all share. But after installing this fence and several Cameras with motion sensors, we can see the fence acts as an excellent deterrent. The fence is on a timer which turns it on at dusk and off again at 9 AM. The Blue Light gives an indication the fence is energized so my neighbors can see it.