Hi Caryn, our apologies for the defective snap and your frustration. We will be happy to take care of you on this as product quality and customer service has been our strong suit at AFTCO for 58 years. The disconnect is that you contacted us yesterday on a Sunday when we give our entire team the day off to be with their families. Our return policy is simple and we pay shipping both ways. The AFTCO customer service team will be in touch with you today to resolve your issue for you.
“I need you to email me my return instructions for the shirt I bought my husband. I never received an email back from you. Call me please. The snaps came off after wearing the shirt for 5 minutes 760-644-3322 Caryngildea@aol.com”
“Team Aftco, this shirts not only is COOL looking but COOl to wear. The way it feels against my skin, is not the way a $40 shirt generally feels. It's much more comfortable than traditional fishing shirts . Job well done.”