“ Bester Pod von allen, ich habe einen schon 2 Monate lang verwendet und er schmeckt noch immer gut”
“ I loved the refreshing taste that reminded me of summer squash it is amazing best pod”
“ The pod had a strong and nice flavour and lasted long”
“ Schmeckt sehr fruchtig und is st sehr erfrischend”
“ This pod is one of the best pods I have ever had from air up I got my air up about a month ago and I’m drinking so much water my pod lasted me 15 refills and has lasted nearly 3 weeks”
“ Tastes ✨amazing✨ and have recommended to a friend. The one way I would like this to be improved is by making it stronger!”
“ Ich finde den Pod wirklich lecker. Leider finde ich ihn doch recht schwach im Geschmack. Im Vergleich zu Lemon z.B.”
“ The best pod in my opinion”