Hello Alice, thanks a lot for your feedback! 💙
As we all have different senses of taste and smell, everyone will perceive the flavour differently 😊 Many customers tell us that their taste buds first had to get used to the flavour and that they could taste the pods better after a while. Have you tried adding sparkling water? It makes the taste more intense 🤗
All the best,
your air up® team 🥭
Hey JZ, wat jammer dat je de smaak van de Oranje Limonade Pod niet proeft. Bekijk deze korte video om te controleren of je de fles correct hebt gemonteerd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maR4s1NFf_E 🍒 Als dat niet werkt, neem dan alsjeblieft contact op met onze collega's van het support team: https://support.air-up.com/lang/nl/ 😊 Ze helpen je graag!
Hartelijke groet, team air up® 🍉