“This pod is probably the best out of all of them, with citrusy lemonade and wonderful relaxing lavender. I definitely recommend it. I also recommend Cherry Kola and Wild Berry pods, they are also the best.”
“Might just be my opinion but it tastes rank. It gets sickening after a few sips it's got great smell sure bit this is the only pod i really dislike. I recommend raspberry lemon, wild berry and orange vanilla”
“Air up is literally A M A Z I N G it is the best all of the colours are B E A U T I F U L although I’m not that keen on the metal ones but lemon is so so good i love it ❤️ I recommend ice coffee too it’s D E L I C I O U S”
“While this taste might sound a little adventurous at first, you really can't go wrong with citrus and herbs. Unconventional? Sure. But absolutely worth it. Definitely up there with Virgin Mojito.”