“Been using this product for over 6 years. It is an excellent product that was recommended to me for my horse and now I am recommending it. Works wonders for sore or fatigued muscles.”
“Been using the product for over 6 years. Quite by accident did I discover that it also works on humans. I had this soreness in my hand and each time after I rubbed him down I realized that I didn't feel the pain as much. I bought into the idea that the product was also working for me and started using it as well. Very effective for both me and my horse. I highly recommend the product.”
“Works way better than I thought it would. My horse normally experiences discomfort after a hard day working. Since the product was refereed to me, we have had great results. I will keep this product close because it works.”
“Works great on fatigued muscles. After a long ride, I apply on my horses legs and rub it in well to make sure it is absorbed. We have had great results and I highly recommend it.”