“I have 4 inside cats, all rescued. One has anxiety problems, but one half of a 5 mg tablet keeps her calm and able to interact well with the others. It's a lifesaver when we have to leave them alone; they have free roam of the house, so they need to all get along. She has had no side effects at all and her blood work is great! She is happier and so are we :-)”
“My pit bull Mia was extremely anxious and destructive due to severe separation anxiety. This has been my savior...lol So happy to have found this website. User friendly and excellent customer service. Thanks Allivet!!!”
“My behavior manager recommended this product for my dog. It has been beneficial but on the other hand your shipments seem to be taking longer and longer to get to us. Order shipped 3/24 has not arrived as of 3/31”
“My male cat meows A LOT and is obsessed with what is going on outside, especially when there are other cats outside. He will also spray inside the house when he sees other cats.”
“Prescribed for anxiety for my dog after he lost his 2 brothers within a short time of each other. It has worked very well in stopping his compulsive licking.”
“The Product is fine but I got spoiled having it arrive 3 days after I ordered living only 70 miles from your site. I did not know that your delivery company had changed so that it arrived 7 days after I ordered. My dog was without his meds for 2 days.. I'll know better next time. To bad the USPS could not be used for So. Florida directly.”