“I had 3 cats on these and it did absolutely nothing for any of them! I have a cat on prozac and hemp, and anxitane with none of them working even after several months. Not sure if my cats are just immune, but don't waste your money. The expense and aggravation are not worth it.”
“One of my Papillons is deathly afraid of thunder and fireworks, both of which we had this past Fourth of July. Last year she was so frightened by the fireworks, she hid under the bed for 3 days, and then was excruciatingly wary of any loud sounds for many months thereafter. Started the Zylkene 4 days prior to the Fourth and noticed even on the first day she wasn't really bothered by a thunderstorm we were having. Then on the Fourth, despite multiple firecrackers being set off nearby, local fireworks displays, and yet another thunderstorm, she actually started barking at all of the different sounds rather than running and hiding from them. Although she later spent part of the night under the bed, in the morning she came right out, as if nothing had happened. A vast improvement. Am so glad I finally found something that actually works!”
“This product is very helpful with some of the puppy mill dogs the rescue receives. Long term use allows the animals the time needed to adjust behaviors to allow them to become adoptable”
“This product calms down my "former" feral cat who is aggressive and marks int he house. It does not stop behavior entirely, but it does quell his aggression. I buy the 450mg and spread it on the food for all five cats.”