“Gabby came to us with allergies, which was making her over-groom, licking herself raw at times. It progressed to her eyes and we started using Atopica which has cleared up her eye issue, it also keeps her from over-grooming. She is happier. She now spends less time grooming and uses the extra time to slap our other cats. She is Siamese!”
“My Remy has terrible allergies. Without this he swells in the face and paw pads regularly. This was our last hope. He'd already been placed on special food and special litter. I'd changed cleaning supplies, bowl materials, everything outside of allergy testing. This gave him his quality of life back! My only frustration is how expensive it is. It's a big commitment financially and something he will have to be on for the rest of his life.”
“My cat is allergic to poultry. Sometimes he manages to get into one of his sisters' foods (turkey/chicken). He takes this every other day to protect him.”