“I like the larger size and Allivet has the best price on the internet. This product is so much better then the steroids that we had been giving our Cat for his skin issues! Works very well as long as we are consistent with giving it to him on a regular basis.”
“This product has been a life saver for my kitty. My kitty has a severe allergy problem and I've been searching for a solution that is easy for me and for the kitty. I tried allergy shots but my kitty hated getting shots and was difficult to restrain. This kitty is very strong willed and hated getting pills too. While she doesn't like the liquid either, this has been the easiest method for giving her medicine. I am able to administer her medicine quickly and easily and she is healthy and happy.”
“My cat had chunks of hair missing and was constantly licking and biting himself. The vet suggested Atopica and after eight weeks he is back to normal, no more scratching and his hair is growing back. I put the Atopica in his wet food and he seems to love it. Add baby food (sweet potatoes) in the syringe to kill the taste of the Atopica. (It's bitter)No side effects. This has been a godsend and I have a much happier cat now.”