“The same product then the vet pharmacy, but better prices and free shipping. I have been ordering from Allivet for the last 3 prescriptions for my dog and the results have been great. I recommend Allivet to anybody that needs to buy products for your pet.”
“Our little runt Rat Terrier has had skin allergies since the age of 1. She is now 10 years old. She has been on a combination of 1 Temaril-p and 1 Atopica daily for the past 8 years. We've been fortunate that she's been passing her yearly blood work each year. We keep our hopes high that she will continue to be free of her allergies.”
“My 12 year old Wheaten Terrier has always had skin issues. This is our 'magic blue pill.' The only medication that has ever kept my boy comfortable. Allivet's price is excellent on this item.”