“Using this to SAVE the lives of colony cats that can't be trapped to see the vet!! This is amazing!! I've lost a lot of kitties due to the lack of medication because vets will not prescribe any meds unless they see the cat in person. This way by passes the BS so I can do my job!!!! THANK YOU ALLIVET!!!”
“I have a tank that is honestly too big for me to effectively care for at the moment. Too many fin babies and noone who can/will take them in. Thomas Labs Fish Mox has always been perfectly effective for anything from stubbornly cloudy water to a touch of fin rot, have used almost only this for as long as I've had a tank. I noticed the tank went a little too long without a proper cleaning and the cloudy water came back despite cleaning and new filters. Imagine my shock when my favorite brand was no longer on the local shelves and practically sold out everywhere. Time to stock up or search for a new brand I suppose. Loved you while you lasted!”