“I really appreciate free shipping and low prices. I would like to see Allivet consistently offer larger bags of Dasuquin(sp?)So I don't have to order so often. Love YOUR SERVICES THANK YOU.”
“My Duke was having issues keeping up with his sister and Dasuquin has been a miracle. After only a few months, he's running and chasing the ball like he did when he was a puppy.”
“Had my 14 & 17 yr old Maltese and 19 yr Lhasa on Dasuquin for many years and until Cushings got them, they ran and acted like pups. No joint problems at all. My 8 yr old Havanese rescue from a puppy mill went on this asap as well as Welactin, flax lignans, milk thistle & high quality food. It helps to have unlimited funds but after 2 months, she's a different fur kid. Pay attention to your fur babies!”