“My two cats were on Frontline, but got fleas anyway. Tiny little specks of blood everywhere (gross). Oh, and worms, too! They were SO uncomfortable. Scratching and pooping worms. -> To remove the fleas and flea-babies, I had to clean EVERYTHING I owned (including 22 loads of laundry), the furniture and carpet needed special flea-killing spray and the carpet was vacuumed several times each week for a month! -> In the two years since switching to Advantage Multi, my cats have not had fleas! They are happy and healthy little yard explorers once again!”
“My two cats were on Frontline, but got fleas anyway. Tiny little specks of blood everywhere (gross). Oh, and worms, too! They were SO uncomfortable. Scratching and pooping worms. -> To remove the fleas and flea-babies, I had to clean EVERYTHING I owned (including 22 loads of laundry), the furniture and carpet needed special flea-killing spray and the carpet was vacuumed several times each week for a month! -> In the two years since switching to Advantage Multi, my cats have not had fleas! They are happy and healthy little yard explorers once again!”