“These supplements help my dog with stiff legs after 5 knee surgeries. I can tell a major increase in agility when taken regularly so I don't like to run out. Allivet was fast and cheaper than the shelf price plus they offer a convenient auto refill.”
“My dog is an Anatolian Shephard, over 100 lbs. She chews her food very well and is picky about her treats, hence she is hard to medicate. She loves the Dasuquin Soft Chews so getting her to take them is no problem.”
“All four of our dogs take Dasuquin, and it has been very beneficial to their maintaining their joints. One had a torn ACL, but with an anti inflammatory (which he no longer takes), and increase in chondroitin, he's bouncing around like a puppy again. I had ordered two (2) bags, but originally received only one (although it said my order was complete). Customer service was great! Called, and received my second bag a few days later . . . good product, and company.”