“Summertime is the most difficult time for my dog Joey. He tends to suffer more from skin irritations during this time. We started using Derma-3 softgel a few months ago and so far (it's August now) we have had a perfect summer. No skin irritation whatsoever.”
“Much more savings through Allivet when you purchase online than at the vet's office. At least that was my experience. It has made a remarkable difference in the appearance of my dog's coat. No more scratching!”
“Much cheaper to buy on Allivet than at the vet's place. Helped clear up a skin condition which hasn't come back since as well as kept her coat shiny and healthy. I highly recommend this product.”
“Much more affordable to buy online on Allivet than at my vet's office. I only bought it there the first time, after which I switched to Allivet.com. I have not looked back since and love this product.”
“This is a great product! Since I have been giving it to my Cockerspaniel I have noticed a big difference. She is so happy because she is no longer having to deal with itchy skin. I recommend this.”