“I have two crazy siamese mix rescue cats, one is super hyper, loveable, and adorable, and the other only loves me and hisses or worse at everyone else, including my husband. The vet recommended these collars. This is the first month they are wearing them. I wouldn't say there was a drastic change, but there is definitely a change in both their attitudes, and they never even tried to get the collars off after the vet put them on. That really surprised me because they are ten years old and I have tried to have them wear a regular collar for identification in case they would get out and they never liked it.”
“A neighbor cat comes around our doors and windows and bothers my cat. She becomes very stressed because of this neighbor cat and will fight with her sister. The pheromone collar helps to alleviate this situation.”
“I bought this product at my local vet's office and put it on my cat George. Wow, he is a totally different cat now. Before he was full of aggression towards another of my cats, now he isn't attacking Peanut and tearing the house apart in the fights he would start. I could see the difference in George within an hour of putting the collar on him. Wish I'd know about this product long before now!”