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Palladia Tablet Reviews

4.8 Rating 116 Reviews
Our Cocker has a recurrence of mast cell tumor this year after having one removed last year. He is on heart meds and the doctors will not operate. The Palladia has kept the tumor from growing and so far, he has not had any serious side effects. The most important thing to me is that the meds arrive on time. We are on autoship and that is the one thing I do not have to worry about.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
This saved our dog! Our dog had several mast cell tumors on her chest, and the doctors removed them but found some mast cells in her spleen and liver. We put her on Palladia and her cancer went into remission and she lived 4 more years to be 14 and just died of old age. Thank you Palladia and Dr. Sones!!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
My dog has been on palladia for only a short time for mast cell tumors and already we are seeing improvement in the size of the tumors themselves and little to no side effects from taking this medication
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
My dachshund takes this 15 mg tablet three times a week as prescribed by an oncology vet. He had surgery for anal gland tumor in March of 2020. It is now Jan 2023 and the cancer has not returned. So, it works off-use even if it is intended for mast cell tumors. Sometimes, I have to stop the medication for two weeks because he is losing weight or not eating or there has been an event that has interrupted his routine. We restart the medication when he is stabilized and all is ok .
4 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Elsa has taken Palladia for one month and went back to the oncologist and her tumor has shrunk about 1 centimeters we are so happy it is helping her she is now on her second month of Palladia!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This company is one of the best, great communication, quick response and the staff will resolve your issue right away. Thank you Allivet
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Palladian was prescribed by my oncologist. It is working very well for my cat.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
As cancer meds go, this has definitely been the stabilizer for our AmStaff's Mast Cell cancer. She had started out on a fairly high dose initially and her GI system took a bit of a hit, but after a couple of weeks things settled down. We are now on a 50 mg maintenance dose and her body is tolerating it very well; she is eating great, has normal stools again, and as much energy as a puppy (she is 11, btw). As for price, while still pretty expensive Allivet's prices are half of what we were paying the vet. And with auto-shipping (which offers additional discounts as well), we never have to worry about missing a dose. Allivet contacts the vet directly, gets it filled, and shipped to us asap.
3 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago