“So far so excellent. my dog wasn't eating and had lost 2 pounds. she is tiny and from 8 lb went down to 6 lb. a big loss for her size. it has been only three days since i started giving her the medication Entyce and since the very first day she started eating with hungry and all her food. i am so happy.”
“My 13 old poodle would not eat anything . I was cooking for him (eggs, chicken, beef) and hand feeding him and coaxing him to eat every day. One dose of Entyce and he started eating his dog food within an hour. He does not like the taste, but it is still easier than all the fuss. So nice to see him finish a bowl of food on his own!”
“I have a 15 year old Tri colored Aussie that simply stopped eating. With this suppliment she is fine and has gained weight. Without it she would have died”