“Since taking this product for over a month now my bloating is gone, my sugar cravings are non existent, my energy level is way up, and my mood is significantly better.”
“These 3 products are amazing! I am so glad that my daughter made me listen! I started with these and Relief+ and boy, what a great combination for ME! Everyone needs these science-based products.”
“I love starting my day with Fundamentals. I purchase the sugar free Mentabiotics and toss it into my morning shake! I believe this has been fundamental in helping in healing my gut and changing my lab numbers for the better!”
“Since taking the Fundamentals (two years), I have found so much of a difference in my health, my stress resiliency and my cravings. I lost weight right away (8 pounds) and feel more mental clarity (brain fog GONE), and I have not gotten sick since being on this regimen. I had to come off it twice for medical procedures, and both times, brain fog came back and I didn't feel as energetic. I gladly start my day taking the Fundamentals, knowing my body and mind will be better for it. THANK YOU Amare!!”
“I absolutely love the fundamentals. I have been taking the fundamentals now for 3 months and it has been life changing! The gut/brain axis support in this pack has helped me to be able to cope better with stressful situations and deal with my anxiety so much better. My focus during the day is also significantly improved. I feel happier during the day and I am not having the severe allergic reactions to perfumes and chemicals that I was as my gut is healing.”
“After taking the FundaMentals for 2 months I was feeling well but did not realize just how well. In my 3rd month I had a delay in shipping (which was my fault, not Amare's) and missed taking the FundaMentals for about a week and I noticed that I was not focusing as well as I had been. When I started taking them again my focus came back!”