“Before starting the Fundamentals I was eating erratically, unhealthy and unfocused. These products have given me the direction and strength to make better choices and I feel so good! Grateful that my dear friend shared this company with me, and I am doing the same!”
“I LOVE Amare's Fundamentals Pack! My greatest benefit is stress resilience. And I am so happy. I have many people who have known me for years comment on my positive disposition. Especially when I am talking about Amare! Thank you! Kathy L. NY”
“I love the FundaMentals Pk because it has proven scientific results. The results are what sells and it definitely is making a difference for thousands of people. For me it is my Insurance plan! Thank you Dr Shawn for incredible formulations! MF”
“Funny how I thought I was healthy, ate the right things, exercised, etc. Now I realize I was only partly healthy. The Fundamentals has helped me in so many ways. First thing I noticed was sleep, I sleep so good and dream wonderfully, it has helped with my sugar cravings so I eat less, my energy, my mental focus and stress resiliency. I went through a very stressful period and during that time I was able to get through it and also sleep and I know that is because of the Fundamentals.”
“The Fundamentals pack has helped me heal my gut. I was always bloated and felt sick often. I didn’t realize how important a healthy gut was! I had grown up taking a lot of antibiotics and must have cultivated a bad environment in my system. I could tell after 3 days with the Fundamentals I wouldn’t stop taking these holistic health products. I am now: feeling amazing, regular in the bathroom, not bloated, down an inch in my dress size, and have more understanding of probiotics/prebiotic. Thank you Amare!”
“I've been on the fundamentals pack for over a year now and I can't begin to express how grateful I am for all that these products have given back to me.... Here are just a few of the issues that I was living with before starting this platform (that are all gone today): depression, digestion issues beyond comprehension, joint pain, memory fog, low energy levels and food intolerences...”
“Would highly recommend! I began taking these 3 products Jan 1st and have been impressed with the results so far. I am 20 days in and have noticed a more relaxed mind, less stress, better mood, more motivation to take care of myself, feeling less bloated. These improvements have helped me to keep up with regular exercise and stick with making better food choices. Will order again for sure!”